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Silent Hill | TEXTURE/MESH


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I'm committing to a mod with a lot of potential; a silent hill mod.


I'm converting one of the already existing churches into a safe haven; equipped with air raid sirens and doors that lock past a certain time. I've begun converting this; but I'd like some help - I need some mesh/texture designers to make a some 'bubblehead' nurses and pyramid heads. :x


I would be very happy if someone could help; I have already modified a church to my liking and mocked the Wasteland Mood's series for the weather. Next are the NPCs/Leveled Characters which I'd like to be re-meshed.




Pyramid Head

Preferably about 2x the size of the character; defiantly not as big as a behemoth. Redish, rusted head; stitched chest/skirt.


Bubble Head Nurse

Grotesque face (or just no visible features); petite body, dirty clothes.


These are my two main requests, I can model simple guns and what-not easily; but it's the characters I'm not so good at.


If anyone would like to contribute anything else (scripts, models, dialog, etc) I'd be happy to credit you for it.




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Personally I don't really care bout having Silent Hill in F3 (Survival Horror vs. Action), but seeing characters from SH in F3 fits perfectly. How F3 is a dark and gritty in the first place they would fit right in. Pyramid Head FTW!
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