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Power Armor Request

Harabec Weathers

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I'm going to have to completly re-do and re-unwrap the low poly... It just isn't working when I bake the high poly.


Last time I tried to just take the same model but without meshsmoth and minus the non-important loops, but that didn't turn out the way I wanted, so this time I am going to try takeing the high poly and then just modeling the low poly around that. Not only should that give me better results while bakeing but it should get it a little lower on the poly count.


One I get this part done, makeing the textures shouldn't be too hard though.




I am currently a bit distracted by a new building I am working on for my town though, as well as my own custom base body that I hope to get done within the next couple of weeks.


I hope I can get everything done by the 10th when I have to go back to school. Luckily I have a a handful of days off work between now and then, now that the Christmas rush is over with. All that Christmas stuff got me totally off track last week and I barely got any work on anything done at all...





and just so you don't have to search through the topic to find my current progess, I am still pretty much right here








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Hows the armor part going?

Too bad you had to redo it :(


Re-doing it isn't a big deal.


I am still new to this whole normal map thing, so it gives me more practice. What I learn in the process of moding stuff is far more immportant than how long it takes me to get to the end result.


But I got distracted working on my other mod, and havn't got much further on this yet. I did come up with a story behind the armor and how you will earn it through my mod though. Quetzlsacatanango is actually working on the mini quest for me. I would explain more about the story, but it wouldn't make any sense at all unless you have been following the characters on my Dynamic Town mod.

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So, if anyone is interested, I have pretty much completed the new low poly model, all I have to do is some small adjustments to make it fit better, before I begin to unwrap again.


The good news this time around it that enstead of the 1,900 polys that the last version of the low poly had, this one only has 862


But anyways, here is what it looks like now




Last time I left too much detail in the low poly, so the non smooth edges around the face were actually fighting against the normal map, as opposed to this new one, which is smooth over those areas and will allow the normal map to actually do its job.



Normal maps are still one of the biggest pains in makeing a finished game ready product... But untill computers are able to handel helmets that are 30,000 polys, I don't have much other choice...



But anyways, I am looking foward to texturing this thing, it has been a while since I have had a chance to texture anything.

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Really good find someone working BOS tactical gear... I was being to wonder

I do believe this is the best look, PA out of all the games. I had good friend take this idea and make into bos/predator helm which is very interest for cosplay

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this looks very awesome. it's guys like you that keep me playing FallOut3 LOL. Just one request, please do not make this a replacer :( I hate it when I find a kick ass looking armor or weapon or what not and it's a friggan replacer (I'm not patient or skilled enough to turn them into a unique item)


Other than that, again this looks VERY awesome, can't wait to see the end product.


Happy Modding


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