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Beyond Boulder Dome Weird Bugs


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A few months ago I installed Beyond Boulder Dome, and I played through it a lot and stopped right as I reach the town of Boulder. I stopped playing until a few days ago, where I am now in the Dome after getting the codes from the Underground. The most important and agitating problem is that when I'm told to talk to Doctor Savant, he stands in place with weapon drawn and I can't interact with him at all....no talking, pickpocketing, or anything, except using console commands to kill and resurrect him which has had no avail.


Second problem is after I left the Underground Cave (with all the ghouls) it appears everywhere I go the AI are in a combat state, companions including. Non-combat AI just flee and I have no ability to interact with them either.


Third, several companions go missing in the Dome when walking around. I'll go from airlock to lab and Achilles of Atlanta (one of my companions from the CNR mod) disappears and isn't anywhere.



The last and probably first big problem I saw (in sequence order) was that in Firefly's house Firefly was continuously sleeping, but would stand up and be non-interactable during his "patrol". He would then go back to sleep later, and was non-interactable.



It's a good mod, but I would really like to finish it so I can go back to normal Fallout.

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