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Mare's Leg


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After watching Zombieland I absolutely fell in love with this gun, looks so cool.

At first I figured it should be pretty easy to make, start from a Point Lookout Level-Action Rifle and "cut", but after a bit more thought, I want it to be 1-handed, so it would probably need new animations for reloading/etc, and I don't know how easy that is or even possible?



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It could probably just use the Lincoln's Repeater's animations for firing. I'd also love to see this put in, if only to reenact scenes from Umineko.
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this would be perfect for use with the Lawgiver perk, maybe even make a new character named "Josh Randall"


the gun should fire at much faster rate than it's rifle counterpart, mostly since the loop can be used to automatically fire the gun as it's cocked, I'd prefer it being a variant of the Point Lookout gun if for no other reason than so I can use the plentiful 10mm rounds for it, rather than the rare .44


a Shotgun variant ala Terminator 2 would be pretty awesome too, I like to call that one the "Mule's Leg" I know we have the sawed off shotgun, but the "Mule's Leg" would be a better one (similar to Combat shotgun only with maybe 6 rounds instead of 12, and faster rate of fire)


as a nitpick, The Mare's Leg should have been made from a Winchester '73, since the show Wanted: Dead or Alive, was set in the 1880s, where the Mare's Leg made it's first appearance at the side of Steve McQueen, a man with a gun like that at his thigh would certainly turn some heads walking into a saloon!


I saw Zombieland a while back, but I don't remember seeing the Mare's Leg in there, I'll have to look for it when it comes out on DVD.

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Chopping of the barrel would not be hard, but reload animations are still not doable as far as I know.


ahem, http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2741


oh and this is an excellent one as well, no custom reloads in it though,




it's compatible with RH_Ironsights, though if you don't have RH_Ironsights you might have to put it in before putting in Reanimated, or reputting Reanimated in there.

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