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Game doesn't save my settings


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  • 6 years later...

* Did you install Steam to it's default location? If so, please see the wiki "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article for why the original default Steam behavior of installing games to the "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files(x86)" folder tree was bad (they learned better, and don't do that any more but didn't change it for older games); and why "disabling UAC and running as Administrator" is NOT sufficient, with instructions how to move it. Among other things, later versions of Windows (since the earlier post) force files in "system protected" folder trees to be "read only" regardless of how you set them. Don't move it to "User\Documents" either, as "executables" are not permitted to run from there for similar reasons. This is the single most important thing you can do to fix and protect yourself against problems in the future. As much of a PITA as that is, it's never going to be any easier than now. System updates often cause issues with games installed to these folder trees. With the game moved out of the default location you will not need to be running it as an "Administrator Account", which is safer. Please see the 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article as well.

If you did move Steam out of the default location, then likely any access privilege problem is one of "File and Folder permissions" on the parent "root" folder under which you installed the games. If this is not set correctly to allow at least "System", "Administrators", and "Users" to have "Full Control" then you can't overwrite other files or make changes. You then (while logged in as an "Administrator Account") need to enable the "Properties | Security | Advanced | Change Permissions" setting of the parent folder to enable the box: "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object", so those changes get applied to the existing files and sub-folders.


Edited by dubiousintent
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An additional little gotcha is that you need to click on Back instead of pressing escape or the settings wonât be saved to the ini. Iâve fixed that in my Tweaks engine plugin.
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An additional little gotcha is that you need to click on Back instead of pressing escape or the settings wonât be saved to the ini. Iâve fixed that in my Tweaks engine plugin.

Just to clarify: Are you speaking about when editing the INI settings in the Launcher? (Because I always edit mine outside of the game environment using a text editor.)



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An additional little gotcha is that you need to click on Back instead of pressing escape or the settings wonât be saved to the ini. Iâve fixed that in my Tweaks engine plugin.

Just to clarify: Are you speaking about when editing the INI settings in the Launcher? (Because I always edit mine outside of the game environment using a text editor.)




I mean from the in-game settings menu.

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