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Also, is there an easy way to clear the Wasteland of everything apart from Trees, Rocks, Land, Sea, etc

So I can start with a clean Wasteland setup.


there is a kinda option, but prepare for massive butthurt on GECKs part (and you will need at least 6 GB of free available RAM !!!!!!)


what you have to do is pretty much the following:


duplicate the entire wasteland (this takes massive RAM and takes quite some time (srsly. it uses around 6-7 GB) and if you don't have the RAM that will result in instant crash)


once you completed that (SAVE (this will also take a couple minutes) !!!!), go into the new worldspace and load up several cells at once sort the content by type (that way you can remove all the buildings and markers etc. without having to check if you delete trees or rocks etc.) and save in intervals.


for this process you can expect several hours (mainly because GECK will crash multiple times during the procedure and you will have to start from your last save over and over again)


my advise would be: just create a new worldspace from scrap, thats already buggy enough and it sure takes some time to put stuff in there even if its a "small" worldspace, the wasteland is massive, what do you plan on doing with that ? remove all buildings and create the great nothing (so basically a real wasteland) ?


if you wanna start small, but don't wanna work from scratch, use the same procedure from above but instead of doing it to the wasteland do it to one of the areas from the DLC's (like the broken steel military thingy, that got a reasonable size)

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