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Good or Evil?


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not only that, but the citizens of tamriel become the enamy as well, you begin the game with a fixed bounty, that'd proberbly only ever go up, untill the quest line finishes, then you'd proberbly have to start re-building everything under whip and chain of dagon befor assulting the shivering isle lol
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I dont think assulting the shivering isles is needed becuase its ruled by a deadric prince.

Kamoba you are a great ideas man but maby the bounty is on when you wear the mythic dawn amor because there are alot of mythic dawn people and you dont know who they are without the armor.

Maby in the end you decide to kill Lord Dagon for some reasen and then you become the surprime ruler over Tamriel

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Good idea with the armor, similar to the grey fox.


and the person who started this thread is going to look at it and go o_O


and as for supreme ruler of tamriel, maby instead of just killing mehrunes, you obtain alliences with deadric princes, jygalag included... Dagons big and nasty lol.

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