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Communites in online FPS games...


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People who claim games require no skill usually fall into one of two catagories,either 1. they have no skill at the game and cant play very well, or 2. they are very skilled and are showing off by saying it doesnt take skill lmao



Species5478 has the right of it imho.


Anyone who has played fps games excessively, and gotten extremely good at them, should have a HEIGHTENED HUNTING and SURVIVAL INSTINCT

Sharper reflexes, sharper eyes, heightened abilities to perform minute and precise actions in tense and heated moments.


Now, this doesnt guarantee they would always be 'pwning IRL' in a realtime battle scenario, however, it should give them the edge over their fellow soldiers who may not be mentally prepared to channel their adrenaline into something exceedingly dextrous.


Just the same, I drove a TON of car simulators crossing many genres as a kid growing up, and sure enough, once i was old enough to drive, i found i was an amazing driver, and was able to calmly and coolly avoid DOZENS of high speed collisions on the highways over the years, where other cars around me piled up or panicked and crashed.


I never had a steering wheel or pedals around me as i played my driving games, but when the time came to take action IRL, i was able to quickly (but calmly) avoid almost any road hazards that were thrown at me. And ive been through a TON of situations on the roads where other cars crashed or swerved dangerously, animals or people jump out into the road etc, and it was NP. Just like the simulations lol



Just remember though, you are only as well prepared for real world situations as your simulator is realistic. The Tom clancy series excels in this area because of the fact that in that game most shots are fatal or crippling, if you take 5 bullets chances are you go down, incapacitated or heavily wounded. Whereas in more 'arcade' simulators, you run around at peak performance even at 1%hp (and it even HAS percentages of health) lol.

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Theres a huge misconception about being skilled in a video game and those "sharper reflexes" translating into actual faster reaction times in real world situations.

Think about when youre playing a game. What is your body doing? Nothing. Youre body is motionless excect for your fingers. People get good at video games from spending loads of time playing and get used to how the game is played, I.E. Mouse sensitivity, player movements, other player styles, etc, (Im guilty of it too hahaha) and because of how little demand is required to excell at it. Youre brain has to simply react. Thats all, nothing more, the rest of youre body doesnt have to do anything, youre brain simply has to react and (if youre on PC) youre wrist has to barely move and you click the fire button with youre index finger. Theres no provocation of fluid body motion to the action that youre brain is responding to. Yes, you MAY notice things a hair faster than someone whos never played a game before. I say "MAY" because I really beleive this whole "video games makes you getter at stuff" thing is total garbage.

Lol this is like saying people who are really good at Madden are good at football lol. Or people who are good at Guitar Hero can immediately pick up a Fender and start shredding on it.


Come on get real lol.

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Having previous knowledge about a certain type of situation before you are thrust into it usually gives some kind of edge, however slim.


I dont know much about football, so if you pushed me out on the field right now and told me to 'go play football', id hesitate, watch others, ask questions etc.

If i had played football games for years on end and was a football expert, knew everything about the game, id atleast have some form of preparation and be alot better off.


Guitar hero doesnt teach people how to play a guitar no, ive had this discussion before, but it DOES train people to be more dextrous and get them accomodated to the idea of needing to make quick and often contorted hand positions as well as training their auditory sense and rexflexes in regards to timing with a tune.

The actual mechanics of a real guitar being absent is besides the point. The fact is they are in a WAY going through motions that could in essence give them the edge over anyone else without such experience when later trying to play a real guitar for real. People who arent mentally or physically prepared for the demands of such would be at a disadvantage, and you cant disagree with that.


I never said people who play fps games would be RL shooting masters. I said they SHOULD have an EDGE which is what you just said too. :)

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