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Finger prints on containers


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Ok, long time player of Oblivion on the PS3 but brand new on the PC. Quick question that has me puzzled. What exactly do the finger prints signify after opening a container. On the ps3 there is no such markings and all stolen items show up as red in the inventory. Are items removed from containers that leave finger prints considered to be stolen even though they don't show up as stolen in the inventory? After joining the fighters guild I helped myself to items there that left fingerprints but didnt show up as stolen in my inventory. Moments later I was charged with stealing from the fighters guild. Could someone please enlighten me. Thanks
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Fingerprints on crates are from the Harvest Container mod, which is also integrated into Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, if I recall correctly. They just indicate which crates you've been through. It's more for ease of gameplay than anything. Stolen goods will still have the red hand marks on your inventory.
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Thanks for the quick reply but the part of this that doesn't make sense is that "not all" containers leave the finger prints. If I had to put a number on it I would say its about 50-50. The fact that you said it was a harvest mod, does that suggest that only containers with crops would be effected?


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An excerpt from the Harvest Containers mod documentation.


Details and Playing the Mod



Harvest [Containers] allows you to easily see what containers you have already searched and makes opening containers more natural and realistic. Containers are animated open so that, for instance, when you activate a cabinet the doors swing open. You can leave the container open as a visual cue that you've already looked inside it or you can close the container again by entering Sneak Mode and activating it again. Any type of container that you'd expect to be able to close in real life can be closed using this method. NPCs using containers will open and then instantly reclose them.


There are a few types of objects with different behaviors where it is more realistic. You can not close an ore vein, for instance. A few containers actually disappear when harvested where that is more natural than opening/closing them. Roast rat is an example of this; rather than open the rat, your remove it from the spit. Sacks are another special case. When you open them, they tip over. (Note that if you activate them in Sneak Mode, they do not tip.)


Crates and flat-top barrels (those barrels without a handle on top) can not be animated without causing a lot of clipping. By default, rather than animating open, these containers will be marked with handprints when you open them and wiped clean when you close them in Sneak Mode. Alternative methods are provided in optional add-ons as described in the Manual Installation instructions.


A new special case in this version is the necromancer's altar at Dark Fissure that can turn grand soul gems into back soul gems. The Harvest animation allows you to see the gem transform. To use the altar, place your empty grand gem into it and cast a "Dispel" spell at it just like always. You will see your gem converted into a black gem. Activating the altar again will automatically remove the black gem and put it into your inventory. If you have placed multiple grand gems into the altar, they must be converted to black gems one at a time. Rescripting the altar makes it incompatible with the mod "Easier Black Soul Gems" which allows the altar to be used on any day instead of only once a week. We have included a hidden work-around for users of that mod. If you want to be able to use the altar every day, see the Compatibilities section for an explanation.


The mod does not change the contents of any container or any container's ability to respawn new contents. If the containers was safe for your character to store things before adding the mod, it will still be safe with the mod. Lock Picking will still work the same as in vanilla Oblivion.


By default, containers in player-owned homes will not be affected by H[C]. If you would like containers in your home to use the Harvest animations, you can install the optional add-on for player homes.

Is your game experience consistent with the description above?

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