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Prince Of Persia Savegame doesn't work as I want :(

Big Little

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Hey guys!


I 've downloaded the prince of persia savegame (by dragens) and as it is written in the topic I'm having my trouble with it:

As many other users who downloaded that mod too, I'm complaining about the blindfold my char wears. The author says that problem is just a matter of the version of Cosmetic Compilation, but which version he actually uses he didn't say. I already tried to contact him but 'til now he didn't write back (and I contacted him a looong time ago:))

So, if one of you got this mod working please tell me how


thanking you in anticipation :thanks:


Big Little

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  • 5 months later...

Gut möglich, dass der SaveGame nicht funktioniert, da du Oblivion DV besitzt. Da gab es schon immer Differenzen.http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/rolleyes.gif

Aber mittlerweile hat sich das Problem wahrscheinlich wohl oder übel gelöst. Immerhin ist schon eine geraume Zeit vergangen seit der Erstellung dieses Threads.


It´s possible that your Savegame do not work because you use the german version of oblivion. ;)


Greetings Momo



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