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Redjacker Master Blaster gun


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So I'm watching sons of guns and see them take a saiga shotgun ... make it a bullpup and put a 380Mg11 and place that where a grenade launcher would be...


would this be possible to add this into the world of Fallout?

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Oh snap no I didn't ... too funny lol.


RedjackeT master blaster I can't find any images of it ... I'm sure that will change soon though. Do you remember their master key? Well its the reverse of that. Will attaches a Mac-11 machine pistol to a Saiga-12 shotgun


They stripped down the machine pistol and attached it to the shotgun like it was an M203 launcher. They shorted the pistol considerably and made the shotgun a bullpup to help balance the weapon when the pistol was firing. Will squeezed the trigger and the burped out five rounds in a second and before he knew it had forced his hands up.


So its a bullpup shotgun and the pistol was basically a rectangle with a grip slanted back a little bit. I can't find any photos and keep coming across sites that ... strangley talk about the show but then have half naked chicks in ads o.O ?????? Anyhew it was part of their new season so if you watch the show regularly you might see it again. Its a neat gun and I could just see someone people making great use with that weapon in the world of pain mods or any other spawn increase mod.

Edited by Skyviper086
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Ah shoot :(


Armory of Xzax gives me hope because he has an M203 attached to a LR-300 ... its basically two seperate weapons from what I can tell and when using the secondary the game seems to equip a similar looking weapon that fires diferently from what I can tell I'm no expert. This is why I think such a weapon could be possible ...


as far as the picture goes lets see if this image shows up



Edited by Skyviper086
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The image shows up.


Your description of the Armory of Xzax's method is pretty much spot on as far as I can tell. It's basically the same as equipping two different guns using hotkeys and switching them via hotkey. Though he's using a script that opens up a new menu that changes your inventory with the gun equipped with the mods you want. That would explain why he has crash issues with the mod. In this case, the two different guns would look the same but shoot from different points.


In other words, it's technically possible but not as immersive as the methods used in other FPS games like BF or COD series where the grenade launcher and rifles are the same gun. Either that or those games companies had a script that setup an animation whenever a GL to rifle or vice versa switch occurred and that they're really are two separate weapon items.



Anyway, possible? Yes. Probable? ehhh....

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