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Oceania servers and acceptable ads?


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Are there any plans for Oceania download servers? Accessing your site from the land down under, it'd be heaps great if there was a local download server so faster speeds would be achieved.


Also, I'm pretty sure that a significant portion of the sites users, lurkers and members alike, use Adblock Plus. I'm using it right now actually, and I was wondering if you thought this would increase server upkeep costs, why not use acceptable ads? If this site used text-based ads or at the very least unobtrusive, there's a form over at the Adblock Plus site you can fill out to whitelist the ads shown, thus allowing costs to be subsidised.


It'd be swell if one of the most used sites for gaming and modding decided to do this, who knows, might end up setting a standard for others to follow heheh.

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We do allow 'acceptable' ads. Have you looked at them lately? Turn off your ad blocker and help support those servers you want. What most people don't realize is that no site actually does their own ads as that would cost far too much for the return you get - there are 3rd party companies just for that, and The Nexus - just like every other site uses them. We try to keep out the obnoxious ads, loud or constantly jumping around garbage ads. But these can and do sneak in occasionally - if you let the owner know, he has them removed. It costs a LOT of money to run a bunch of servers all over the world and that's what those ads pay for.


We also have a special deal just for people that don't want to see ads - for a very small ONE TIME ONLY payment - (Less than US$3) you can sign up as a supporter and see no ads forever. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/store/product/7-supporter-membership/


Or, If you ever want to try out Premium - even for just one month - you get that included for less than US$2 more NO ads - forever. Even after the Premium expires still no ads. AND, we have a 15 day no questions asked refund policy on premium memberships.

Here is the link for premium if you are interested: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/premium/?


As far as I know no other site, gaming or otherwise, has this kind of deal. We already set the example, Now it's up to them to follow it. :blush:

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Hmm...if acceptable ads are indeed on this site, it could be eligible for whitelisting on Adblock Plus - they've got a form that can be filled out so people like me using adblock will see them and thus support the site. It's a really neat feature, if only YouTube and other major sites took note of it though :\


It's also been a while since I've last looked at the store - until your post I actually never knew lifetime memberships existed lol.

Edited by Bottletopman
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