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Add buttons and scripts to books


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I wanted to rewamp MMM hunting and crafting, but I have some problems with the idea.


1) I wanted to add a CRAFT button/image to a book/page of the book, so when the player clicks it would remove the mats and add the item.

2) The book would be recipe book, so I wanted some pages to show "You haven't found this recipe yet", but when the player finds it would show the text, picture, mats and the CRAFT button. I know that it has something to do with the variables(eg. if variable == 1 show page)

3) I wanted books to show needed and mats the player has(eg. 15/1 Large bones)

4) I wanted to add a slider to set the number of items the player wants to make, or maybe a box to type the number in.


Is it possible to add scripts like this to books in Oblivion? If it isn't is there a mod to add that? If the answer is still no, is it possible for anyone to make a mod that enables that?

This would make many mods easier to play. Currently MMM H&C isn't easy to navigate I spend a lot of time just clicking the buttons(eg 15 x Craft 10 arrows)

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