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The Downloads section...


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I was wonderin' whether the downloads bit of MWS has become a pay thingy without me figurin' out, cause, even logged in, I can't get in anymore.


EDIT: Whoops. Just saw the news item <feels stupid, and looks sheepish>. Apparently, no, the bug isn't resolved. =]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it was perplexing. I joined this site because I wanted to browse the mods, but after joining I was told that I could't access the mods until I joined. HUH??


Yep, I was signed in. So what was the problem?


I am guessing that a lot of newcomers here have faced the same frustration. Thanks for voicing this for all of us.

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  • 2 months later...

Ohh Evan, go read the rules dear, this is what we call Thread Necromancy. Doing it gets Spam-Cleaver irritated, so please don't. :shifty:


Sending this one back to the dust...

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