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Ignore crime.


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I've found a way for NPCs to avoid crimes against specific NPCs. For example, if a NPC is in no factions then you can commit crimes against them and no one will report it. If there is another way to do this, let me know. Also, if anyone knows where in the CK I can find the crime for killing farm animals, let me know the code. I'm working on a mod which has variable crime settings.

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I've found a way for NPCs to avoid crimes against specific NPCs. For example, if a NPC is in no factions then you can commit crimes against them and no one will report it.

If an NPC is not in a '- crime -' faction (they may be in many factions), you can commit crimes in front of them or against them with no repercussions because they have no one to 'report' it to.

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