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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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Nice entries so far and Vampires in Venice is one of my favorite episodes yet



Indeed. Next week's episode look's absolutely smashing. Eleven's TARDIS is growing on me more and more every episode aswell.


Okay, so I've managed to rewrite the Flight engine and finish off the Quest.


In other words, it's just about finished.


I need to finalise the models and make some minor changes and we're talking a near release.

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In other words, it's just about finished.


I need to finalise the models and make some minor changes and we're talking a near release.


:biggrin: The day is approching, I can't belive it.

And the new TARDIS is growing on me aswell .

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I thought I would try my hand at a logo for the mod, seeing as I am a long time Who fan. I couldn't find a way to match an F onto the Tardis logo however, as the F lacks a lower bar, leaving a big, odd looking gap no matter what you do. Didn't sit well with me. So I went freestyle and did a little old school Fallout/New Vegas/New Tardis look. Not exactly what you ordered however, so I guess that disqualifies this entry.
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Funny Test Run...


So I'm whizzing about the Universe in the TARDIS and the cloister bells start, but at this point, I'm deep inside the ship (it'll take me a good couple of minutes to get back to the console room). By the time I get back to the console room, I can hardly walk without getting knocked down, and as soon as I get in, there's fire literally everywhere and my laptop starts to freeze up.


I think the ship hit about 10 random Time Wimey encounters one after the other whilst the others were still occuring... should probably put a cap on the number of 'random encounters'...

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I'm hoping for a swimming pool :tongue: And i don't think that you should make the limit too low.


...hoping? Dude, the Swimming Pool is a staple. Along with the Library, the Workshop, and of course, the wardrobe. They're all important too.

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Here is my entry, I wanted to stick as close as i could to the Current logo but i increased the contrast and vibrance to give it a more pronounced look



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