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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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And will there still be a quest to get the sonic screwdriver?


That is the sub-quest :P


It's not a Quest as such, it's more an Easter Egg hunt. With puzzle elements.

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I originanlly thought that the quest would have been something like that you have to hunt around the wasteland and find the parts then take them back to the TARDIS and then place them on the console and wait a day and then you collect the screwdriver like the Doctor did in The Eleventh Hour.


P.S K9 still making an apperance?

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I originanlly thought that the quest would have been something like that you have to hunt around the wasteland and find the parts then take them back to the TARDIS and then place them on the console and wait a day and then you collect the screwdriver like the Doctor did in The Eleventh Hour.


P.S K9 still making an apperance?


Close, minus the wait a day part. In Eleventh Hour, the TARDIS was fully recalibrating. In this, it's just a case of banging together a few loose joints.


K9 is making an appearance yes, but at this very second, the little tin male without a father is doing my head in. He wont speak, and when he does, he doesnt say the right thing, so I'm tossing up between having him conversable or just having him... well, interactive. There's a very good reason why he's interactive. After a fashion.

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Test run successful. Quest works a treat, sub-egg-hunt-quest-thingy works like a charm.


Funny story which made me feel just like I was in an episode of Who.


I hit up the randomiser and the TARDIS dematerialises in the Republic of Dave. I leave the ship and I'm instantly faced off with a Sentrybot. As we all know, these guys are BAD.ASS. I whip out my sonic and squeeze the emitter. The Sentry Bot explodes backwards in a shower of sparks. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't fast enough, but still, a high pitched freq wave aimed at old robo's neuros? Badaboom. I go through the maingate. It's very quiet and the Brahmin have been slaughtered to hell. I make my way upto the main building and go inside. What comes flying at me? A Deathclaw. I leg it up the stairs, then as it follows me and manages to get a hit in, I leap the railing and land back by the exit. I exit the building and know that the Deathclaw can outrun me.


It has big, big legs. It has sharp teeth.


One thing it doesnt have?



The ability to pick a locked door.


The one thing I have?



A sonic screwdriver.


I spin myself round, and lock the door.


Hah. I walk back to the TARDIS and leave. My work here is done.

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Omg that is freakin' awesome! i'm about to die of anticipation!!!!!!


Just as a reminder guys, the Ltd Edition 11th Doctor's Sonic will be available straight from the beginning of the game to the lucky winner of the competition, so get entering!

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2.20am and I have to be up at 8am... Right, everything's finished:


- TARDIS flies to random destinations

- TARDIS can fly through the vortex until told to land and throws random 'timey wimey' encounters at the player

- Main Quest and Easter Egg quest completed 100%

- Sonic Screwdriver fully working

- TARDIS needs refuelling at a Time Rift point in the Wasteland and WILL be severely damaged needing repair if the player neglects to top her up every so often

- TARDIS systems reflect: The amount of artron energy (fuel) the ship is holding. The TARDIS's temporal velocity (i.e. how long it takes to get from A to B) and Shield Capacity.

- TARDIS components (Speed and Shields) can be upgraded IF the player has the right salvage only.

- Internal layout of doors can be reconfigured for the 5 main rooms [Wardrobe, Swimming Pool, Library, Workshop and the Infrastructure].

- Also, any of the 5 main areas can be 'jettisoned' to increase speed for the TARDIS.


All I have to do now is finish the models off and it's all sorted.

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sweet DMG i am so hyped for this mod its beyond anything i felt in a long while, and a i bet everyones feeling the same way as i do......hooorah, cant wait its only a few days away from release ( im just estimating ) !!!

And yeah i havent seen many more entrys on here. So get them posted guys!! :yes:

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