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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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Hi. I have been following this thread for a while now and have been incredibly excited about it! I don't care if it takes another year (please no), I just want it to come out!


This inspired me to try and learn the GECK so I started on the tutorial and found the system surprisingly easy to learn. It is my hope to add a few things myself related to Doctor Who, but I have a question for a group of experienced modders:


Any suggestions on what should be used besides 3dS Max? I don't have the money for such an expensive program and was hoping to attempt a sonic screwdriver of my own to learn scripting and NIF editing.


Everyone bar me and a handful it seems use Blender (I use Max I'm afraid). Nifskope's the only way to get true .nif models in and out of Fallout, so I'd get used to that aswell.


Other than that, GECK is your god. Good luck, getting a true Sonic emulated ingame is a tricky process (took me 3 months of constant research and testing), but it pays off in the end. :)


As for the alpha test flight video, I'm not 100% sure I want to put it up. I know, I know... but won't it be more worth it to experience it first hand the first time you actually get to fly her?

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If you don't know for sure then don't do it. and your probably right for experiencing it yourself. and do you have a date on which you plan to release it because i can't take the waiting much longer. I don't want to put more pressure on you but then i have a reason to play fallout 3 again.


Best of luck, and I gave you kudos

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Thanks for the suggestions. I guess that a sonic would be an advanced project then. Like I said, I only recently started using the GECK so I will wait and possibly choose an easier project. Nifskope I will check out.


Personally I could do without a video. I want to experience it firsthand. I have a character I plan to run from the beginning using this mod as a basis, so can't wait :D .

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If you don't know for sure then don't do it. and your probably right for experiencing it yourself. and do you have a date on which you plan to release it because i can't take the waiting much longer. I don't want to put more pressure on you but then i have a reason to play fallout 3 again.


Best of luck, and I gave you kudos


Cheers bud, :) I think you're both right.



From past experience though, I won't be giving a release date. I can tell you around 75% of it is done.


Think of it as thus;


scripting - 25%

quest setup (dialogue & scripts etc) - 25%

modelling & textures - 25%

mapping - 25%


the only thing I really need to focus on now are final tweaks for everything other than the modelling and texturing. I've got help with the texturing, when I forward him the models (which need to be refined, this I'll be doing tomorrow and Sunday).


That should give you a vague idea of how near completion it is.

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A bit of constructive criticism.


For the console, the green needs to be a lot more bluish. Also, mabye in a later update put lights behind it and somehow make them shine through to make it glow. The "frame" of the console should also be a bit darker.

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A bit of constructive criticism.


For the console, the green needs to be a lot more bluish. Also, mabye in a later update put lights behind it and somehow make them shine through to make it glow. The "frame" of the console should also be a bit darker.


Aye, cheers. Ive got someone working on the textures, as stated the models in previous screenshots are only boxed finishes, theyre just generic outlines. Not only is the coral arms of the console too light, they're also too thin and angular, they need to be fatter in depth and length and have further smoothing applied.


But ta anyway :)

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Oh, also forgot to say, there are black pipes covering the underside of the bluish green part, so light only shines through slightly in some places. Look at a photo, you'll see.


Not sure if you have been, but you should update the OP once in a while with all the teaser content spread throughout the pages of this thread, and updated pictures so people see the mod as it really is, not the old versions. After all, you want all the downloads you can get, right? Most people won't trawl through 15 pages to find this stuff, unless they're me.

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Oh, also forgot to say, there are black pipes covering the underside of the bluish green part, so light only shines through slightly in some places. Look at a photo, you'll see.


Not sure if you have been, but you should update the OP once in a while with all the teaser content spread throughout the pages of this thread, and updated pictures so people see the mod as it really is, not the old versions. After all, you want all the downloads you can get, right? Most people won't trawl through 15 pages to find this stuff, unless they're me.


I get what youre saying, but this isnt a release thread, its WIPz thread :) Sort of log of development through the process. Don't worry though, I've got more shots of the console than I've got food in my cupboards. :)

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Update, so terribly bloody excelled with myself that I've gotten something BIG working. You'll never expect it either.


Well, I hope not.


Man, now I've said that, you'll be expecting something all the way through the quest.


Oh well.


:biggrin: *gives self kudos*

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