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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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when it happened is of little importance because i only realized when i upgraded to AVG. its called the koobface worm i believe look it up and you will find what you need to know.
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when it happened is of little importance because i only realized when i upgraded to AVG. its called the koobface worm i believe look it up and you will find what you need to know.


Im on AVG aswell, do a scan every day at 6pm and havent picked anything up at all. Can you be sure you obtained it from the feed?

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Koobface spreads through private messages and posting links to malware, no way it could've come from demeggy's twitter feed, there's no posts like that and even if there was you'd have to click on a link. Your twitter is clean, everything's fine.


Life goes on, and Demeggy hopefully posts more screenshots/teaser material/interesting updates/reveals cool stuff.

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it must have been from a lone tweet from some other page or rather.


also to the fellow above i would recommend not basing your opinion on wikipedia. i know for fact it been hacked and had false information posted on it. and the thing is anyone one can do it all you need to do is be a skilled writer.

you must realise that the koobface is one of the most sophisticated worms ever devised which is constantly upgrading itself, there would always be a possibility that it can infect in new ways which are as of yet unknown. as far as we no it could have infected this site, however that is unlikely. just a bit of constructive criticism.


anyway enough of this back to the matter at hand. demegy, keep it up looking forward to hearing of the mod more soon.

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Koobface spreads through private messages and posting links to malware, no way it could've come from demeggy's twitter feed, there's no posts like that and even if there was you'd have to click on a link. Your twitter is clean, everything's fine.


Life goes on, and Demeggy hopefully posts more screenshots/teaser material/interesting updates/reveals cool stuff.


Ah thats a sigh of releif. Panic over people!


Sorry about your unfortunate infection though Krud, hope you get it sorted.


As for the mod, I'm currently tearing my hair out with it. Can happily now say, refer to the Twitter feed for the next couple of days to see what's bugging me. :)

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