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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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To keep you all up to date as promised, I've begun reworking the entire mod, streamlining everything down to a bare minimum. Taking key concepts from the existing original version and condensing them into one quest, this'll allow me to get the bloody thing finally rolled out.

There's no Penny Tennant, the UNIT base is simply a location to visit and the two full-feature Quests have been rolled into one.

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Mod cleared, flight scripts rewritten.


Kinda happy I did this. Cleared out the guff for nicer tricks. You can now eternally fly in the Vortex instead of just going from A to B. I don't know why, it's just soothing to hear that TARDIS'ey elephantine trumpeting as you go about. The UNIT base is also reincluded, minus all the NPC's.

I'm not aiming to write a groundbreaking story here, or have logical reasoning for how.why you get into the TARDIS. It's mysterious and just happens that way.


Tuesday's my first day off with nothing planned in ages. It's also the day I'll finally get this bloody thing sorted.

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ooh sounds brilliant and too finaly have a realease it will give me a reason to start playin FO3. Are you also going to continue with the new features and new quests after it is released


I may do, I've modelled an Ood mask for some of the NPC's that'd look quite funky, but it's not textured and not even implemented. Yet. I'll update tomorrow so keep peeled.

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