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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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This afternoon was spent getting bits and bobs sorted to do with the now ultra-streamlined quest. Now that there's no Penny Tennant to guide the narrative, I needed a clever plotline to cover up any plotholes.


I didn't want it so that you can walk into the TARDIS and automatically just know what you need to fix and how to fly it. This is the most advanced technology in the Universe. No human should be able to just come along and just willy nilly flick a switch and send it off flying.


I think I've come up with something plausible enough for now. I'm not getting tied up in the whole notion of the Quest. This is what effectively killed LCoG v1. It became too convoluted.

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Just bode a sad farewell to my girlfriend, now sitting at work for a further 6 hours. When I get home, I'm going to crack on the kettle and completely devotedly nail this bad boy, get all the dialogue perfected and the minimalistic questness, and then I can polish the models and finally hope to get an eventual release.
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I'd love to put a post about how productive I've been since getting in at 8.30pm, but I can't, because Im starving, so I've put on a steak and I'm going to have that in a sandwich with a cup of tea and watch some classic Who for a bit of inspiration before a marathon stretch in the clinker of modding doom.


Todays Key Words are: Chronoflux Capacitor & Mind Meld.

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