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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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well actually riker now you mention it there is a mod called heroes where you get various powers and one of them is time travel, and you guessed it one of the times you can travel to is the wild west.
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Any hint too what those animatons will be? :tongue:


Oh just the Time Rotor, nothing to do with the character.




I don't suppose theres any harm in letting you all know what exactly is missing from the mod now that it's been fully removed.


When the player entered the TARDIS, they were quested by this NPC, Penny, to find parts of a diary scattered around the TARDIS. finding them, shed then ask you to lift a lockdown on the sublevels on the console scanner. Once that was done, you had to go down to the belly and restore power to the ship. However once down there, the stability of the internal dimensions shifted and the corridors became a tangle of misleading doors. It was a bit of a maze with doors changing and the likes, so the player had to navigate this area to get to the TARDIS powerhouse. When they got to it, flicking a switch restores power and they return to the TARDIS console room.


At that point, Penny's discovered the name of the TARDIS and the likes and the first quest ended.


The second quest, Flight Control (named after the TARDIS 'toy'), sees the player going to an area of the TARDIS (I'm omitting this part because its still fairly relevant :P) to find the TARDIS manual. They return it to Penny who then says you need to find a list of spare parts, found in the TARDIS workshop. You collect that, return it to her and then are tasked with going out into the Wasteland to collect spare parts.


Now the collecting part has also been left in, so I won't go into that either ;)


Returning to the TARDIS, she tells you to put it all together on the console, which you do by... oops, another spoiler'ish... then the TARDIS is flyable. She instructs you to take off once its all complete as she's written up a triangulation programme that homes in on the Citadel.


When you land, she rushes outside and you follow. Youre confronted by her 'boss', a rogue Scribe.


Now this is where the story became convoluted and annoying and thus, forced my hand in the end to completely rewrite the mod.


The scribe (aptly named Murfy after the original Mod's creator) - demands that you hand the discovery of the TARDIS over to him. Here, youre faced with a choice. Hand the TARDIS over, or escape with it.


I wanted to do this to parody how the Doctor originally came to own the TARDIS (He stole it from Gallifrey before going on the run as a renegade if anyone's unsure).


The other option would be to not escape, but Pwnny would, and she'd take the TARDIS with her. The effect for this lookedcool, as the way enabling and disabling models ingame has a fading effect, so you actually saw the Police Box 'dematerialise'.


Depending on your actions, you'd either become an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel, or a friend of Penny.


If you stole the TARDIS, she tells you take off and you wind up landing at the top of the Washington Monument. The mod ends.


Now as you can see, the whole problem with that was at the point I started creating the UNIT base, and introducing a different intro to it, it was too complicaed mid-story to alter any of the facts.


Better to start from scratch and work my way up from the base.


I can promise you the mod retains its core features and possible some better ones I havent mentioned yet, but the overhaul was basically to get things rolling with it and not become entangled in messy plot writing. Also, it saves the problem of having any plotholes for the Vanilla content of the game.


So there we have it, that's what version 1 looked like. I still have a backup copy, but I won't release it publically. It's too messy. I may motion capture a runthrough of it post-release, but that's just a possibility.


In honesty, once this mod's done, I've got 2 other side projects, one Who related, I've been working on in the background. One's pretty much finished, and is incredibly simple (the none Who related one), and the other one, Who related, is just a concept at the moment.


Like I say, there were 2 follow-on releases planned for the Mod, and I'd like to ideally skip release 2, and go straight to release 3, but I'll be honest and own up - it's just not feasable.


Release 2 saw you going back intime pre-war, with the ability to alter the future, but then have to fix things back to how they should be, and version 3 saw you take a quest entirely in the TARDIS against the Master, where it turns out you were actually the Doctor under the fugue of the Chameleon Arch. None of the Quest was written up, but regeneration was implemeneted, and worked intermittently, to the point where you'd get to your 12th regeneration, and bam, the game would crash.


So for that reason, I'm entirely scrapping the notion of those follow on mods unless I get a huge demand for them.

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@riker. yeah i had a copy of it a while ago and it was a bit bland but the mod itself was brilliant.


@demeggy i have just seen the time of angels. its been many moons since i have been truly scared by doctor who but shazam that one did it lol. i love the bit how the doctor goes, parked? but it didnt even make the noise! lol

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You could tell the person who created the mod put a lot of time into it and the time of angels is my favorite episode yet.


Indeed, a very good episode.


Edit: Scroll up, edited a post with a lot of info it for those of interest.

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Wow i can see what you mean when you said you're only releasing the bare bones but anyway thanks for putting so much time into this Mod :thumbsup:


The mod wouldn't be the way it is without it's followers, so thanks to you guys, especially you, Krud and Plop for so much input and interest. It's duly noted and thanked :)

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