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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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riker i can say yours is actually very good, way better than mine.... i like the fact that you added the two doctors in it and the way you brightend up the lighting. very good riker you should be proud of it.....=)

but apart from that BRING IT ON!!!!......jokes ;)


Thanks, that means a lot to me and yours is still a worthy entry :thumbsup:

Also Demeggy is the TARDIS console going to be more cluttered than the first version we saw?


Oh hell yeah. Not everything will be interactive to a major degree, but there'll be a lot of buttons. At current, it's a 3 step process to taking off, and you can't skip steps either, each action has to be performed one after the other.

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riker I do have to say yours turned out fantastic lol XD But A brillient Idea for the whole logo including the side part is a bit of both the FW mer and riker made silmiler with the one that has "fallout who" on the side and the doctors on both side like rikers.....It would brilliant XD I wouldn't call my self a true fan.....I've been meaning to watch the old episodes but they don't seem that intresting to me....i onlt want to watch them for the base storyline XD
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but by far if it was vote based my vote would go to riker :D F***ing can't wait..... tis mod will make my life.....'m still trying to figure out how My Master cheif armor will go with this however...."a spartan wakes up in the wasteland no knowledge of who he is onkly has memories of a identity of a wasteland soon to be hero he stole who he found dead next to him outside vault 101, he stumbles across a alien device and decided to check it out...." and the rest would be history.... lol I dunno maybe not But sooner or later I'm going to try to get a crew of people to help me make a vannila override of the story line to make it match up with the first part at least..... tried working on the halo guns mod but it's too far out there to fix, the textures won't work and the archive won't fix it it just make the guns red...... even opening the textures and editing them doesn't seemt o work....
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Retiring for the eve and won't get a chance to do anything tomorrow as out to get ratarsed. I'll no doubt get a load done over the weekend though, and don't forget people, there's still time to enter the competition.


You've got until Friday 18:30 GMT before I refuse entries, and I'll be making a decision by Saturday.


All the best, catch you in a couple of days.

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Demeggy, I'm curious whether you followed the original series extensively. From some of your posts it seems you may. I used to think the older episodes of the original series were just too...old to be interesting. My interest mainly revolved around Davison and Baker, and that era. However, recently I decided to watch the entire run of Doctor Who, right from an Unearthly Child on. To my surprise, I found myself loving the earliest Whos. There is something very simple yet refreshing about science fiction from that era. It comes unburdened with the wealth or morass of pop-culture of modern sci-fi. I now rank William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton right near the top of my favorite regenerations.
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Demeggy, I'm curious whether you followed the original series extensively. From some of your posts it seems you may. I used to think the older episodes of the original series were just too...old to be interesting. My interest mainly revolved around Davison and Baker, and that era. However, recently I decided to watch the entire run of Doctor Who, right from an Unearthly Child on. To my surprise, I found myself loving the earliest Whos. There is something very simple yet refreshing about science fiction from that era. It comes unburdened with the wealth or morass of pop-culture of modern sci-fi. I now rank William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton right near the top of my favorite regenerations.


I did mate, aye. Always been a fan, since I was growing up in the 80's. I grew up with McCoy, then managed to catch the repeats and start buying the VHSes. Funnily enough, I had Tomb of the Cybermen running on the lappy when I was cooking tonight, and you're right, the older stories definitely have a refreshingness to them.


I tell you what, The Edge of Destruction alone gives some modern who a run for its money. Verrry disturbing.

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The Edge of Destruction was definitely a strange one. Kind of a filler, but definitely an interesting one. Disturbing indeed. Death, the unknown, real danger, all seemed in more abundance in the old episodes. It wasn't always "Save the Earth!" (again) but rather...oh my lord, they have dug themselves into a real pretty hole this time. I also enjoyed the more 'time travel' oriented episodes of Hartnell. Just the Doctor and his companions interacting with historical events, free of mystical/alien/dimensional dangers of whatever sort. Currently, anytime the Doctor travels anywhere back in time, he just has to get involved with aliens/ghosts/werewolves/vampires etc. Not that those kinds of adventures aren't great also. Just a break every once in a while would be cool. Surprising even.


The War Games is one of Troughton's that I have enjoyed, several times. It helps that it is over 3 hours long as well. Heck...I think it runs 10 half hour episodes. Lots of bumbling adventure there, and real physical threats.

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