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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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i have been watching this for a while now and it seems to be coming along nicely, i just finished reading for the first time in a few months and noticed there was mention of a sonic screwdriver! could you put a picture of it up for us? please..



known as k-9 on the site for the mod

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the end is so close my teeth are itching!

mine to! im tired of waiting but i know that if i stop waiting and start begging it wont be as satisfying when its released

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I am honoured to have my submission chosen. Kudos to all the other contestants, as without their effort I wouldn't have been able to raise my own. It was fun to be able to create something for something I have always been quite, very, fond of. Enjoy the logo Demeggy, and I shall look forward to laying my hands upon my reward! Can't wait to play the mod. Nevertheless, no pressure your way. I am capable of waiting a few more years if you deem that amount of time necessary to complete it to your satisfaction.


Additionally, fantastic choice on the take off/landing sound effects. The Hartnell versions are by far my favourite. You can practically visualize the entire dematerialization purely through the sound effect alone.

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I am honoured to have my submission chosen. Kudos to all the other contestants, as without their effort I wouldn't have been able to raise my own. It was fun to be able to create something for something I have always been quite, very, fond of. Enjoy the logo Demeggy, and I shall look forward to laying my hands upon my reward! Can't wait to play the mod. Nevertheless, no pressure your way. I am capable of waiting a few more years if you deem that amount of time necessary to complete it to your satisfaction.


Additionally, fantastic choice on the take off/landing sound effects. The Hartnell versions are by far my favourite. You can practically visualize the entire dematerialization purely through the sound effect alone.


Thanks :) I plan on getting it out a lot sooner than a few years though ;) But you're supports duly noted. And you're totally right, with the Hartnell dematerialisation, there's a slight 'kitsch' space rocket whoosh to the end of it, something I felt fitted into the FO Universe better.


Right now though, I'm pulling out chunks of hair as the Randomiser script is not playing ball. I can't fathom why either, but I know it's refusing to set the randomised variable.

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its nearly 2 am here but i cant sleep when its so close!! lol


Oh god, it's not that close Krudd. We're talking a couple of weeks yet at the earliest. I want to remodel the console yet and I'm still tidying up this randomiser script. I don't want want to be responsible for any sleeping disorders now :P

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