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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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Well I hope you all enjoyed Amy's Choice. No spoilers though, for our friends across the pond. It certainly was possibly one of the best New Who's I've seen to date.


At least I've got a full array of new TARDIS sfx to utilise though, which'll come in handy!

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Update; Just managed to resolve the randomiser by changing it to a global variable, but my second problem is that the bloody door's won't reenable once you've landed. This means at the moment, you can fly from A to B, but as soon as you land, the door won't unlock.


I'm going to take off for the night and persist tomorrow.


As a 'treat', he's a terribly edited and put together short video of the Sonic Screwdriver in action. You have to bear in mind the model is only a basic, it's not properly textured yet.


Note: Allow youtube to process the video. If it's not working yet, try again later.


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Looking very good. I love the lockpick and terminal hacking functions. Effects look good for the disabling of the Robot (I assume it is disabled?), though aesthetically no effects might be better. Or effects showing up on the Robot as it short circuits or what not. It is a sonic driver after all. It also looks like you are limited to holding the screwdriver vertically? Might look cool if it was angled forward a little more, like the Doctor is wont to do when he is using it. You could achieve that without altering the default hand by angling the model itself forward within it's own xyz coordinates. I think.


It'll be great to see it all textured and rendered.

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yeah looking fantastic but im going to have agree with about everything cambragol just said.

since the mod is wayyy off where i thought it was :sweat: lol i'll just go back to checking in weekly rather than 10 minutely. see y'all next week lol

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actually before i go, im actually go to make my own screwdriver while im waiting for this but you obviously wrote your own script for this right?
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Looking very good. I love the lockpick and terminal hacking functions. Effects look good for the disabling of the Robot (I assume it is disabled?), though aesthetically no effects might be better. Or effects showing up on the Robot as it short circuits or what not. It is a sonic driver after all. It also looks like you are limited to holding the screwdriver vertically? Might look cool if it was angled forward a little more, like the Doctor is wont to do when he is using it. You could achieve that without altering the default hand by angling the model itself forward within it's own xyz coordinates. I think.


It'll be great to see it all textured and rendered.


Indeedy, seen as I have t go back to the model, I didnt bother perfecting its angle just yet. Also, it may look slightly out of sync with the way hand model grips it, so we'll have to see about that. But that none the less.



actually before i go, im actually go to make my own screwdriver while im waiting for this but you obviously wrote your own script for this right?


Yeah I wrote my own script for it but its also based on a series of effects and perks as you cant just apply a script to the weapon. It doesnt work that way.

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well you can apply already stored scripts ( i wouldnt have a clue in hell how to apply your own scripts though). But anyway more to the point, so the effects of locking and unlocking doors remotely like that ( im not fussed about doing damage to robots for now, thats what my shotgun is for) are done with perks?
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well you can apply already stored scripts ( i wouldnt have a clue in hell how to apply your own scripts though). But anyway more to the point, so the effects of locking and unlocking doors remotely like that ( im not fussed about doing damage to robots for now, thats what my shotgun is for) are done with perks?


Yeah, but be careful with perks, because they can rooster up your game bigtime if not applied correctly. The script is only a tiny part of the Screwdriver, think of it as acting like a magic wand from oblivion. It's those principles applied. You need a magic effect, a base effect a script and at least one perk.

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ok well thanks i may have hit a hurdle then because i can handle textures, modeling and the geck to a degree but scripting i have no idea about
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