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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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At the end of the day, if I get a spare hour, I could always knock up the Classic variant, but I've got a lot of thing's I want to prioritise, such as getting the console model finalised first. We'll see.

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Update; Just managed to resolve the randomiser by changing it to a global variable, but my second problem is that the bloody door's won't reenable once you've landed. This means at the moment, you can fly from A to B, but as soon as you land, the door won't unlock.


I'm going to take off for the night and persist tomorrow.


As a 'treat', he's a terribly edited and put together short video of the Sonic Screwdriver in action. You have to bear in mind the model is only a basic, it's not properly textured yet.


Note: Allow youtube to process the video. If it's not working yet, try again later.


demeggy that is sexy! keep up the good work

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Thanks. I'm also currently working on a piece of lit for the mod that'll come as a .PDF with the final release. It's essentially the TARDIS manual, with instructions on most of the major features and a couple of hints and tips for the game.
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Demeggy are you still looking for a nice effect for a disabled robot. there is a nice effect in enhanced energy visuals. maybe you can ask for permission to use the effect? it's just a tip.


I like the idea of a manual for the tardis. can we also toss it in a sun?

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Demeggy are you still looking for a nice effect for a disabled robot. there is a nice effect in enhanced energy visuals. maybe you can ask for permission to use the effect? it's just a tip.


I like the idea of a manual for the tardis. can we also toss it in a sun?


Heh... yeah, I instantly thought of the mod when he said that, and though 'oh *censored*'... perhaps it was Tennant who threw it into a supernova? At least that'd still fit in with the continuity? What?? It would!! ..okay.


Energy visuals wise guys, thatd just be too time consuming. I dont want to risk breaking the Screwdriver. It took me 7 months to perfect, and the only thing I'll probably do is remove the Mezz visuals and replace its attack sound with a higher pitched version of the unlocking screwdriver effect.


But ta for the suggestion.

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Almost done with the scripting. Want to finish tweaking and perfecting it, but there's a danger I might try and get it too perfect and end up with yards of convoluted script like LCoG 1.0.
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The 4th and Final Mode worked on tonight. Before you could randomly fly to different locations across the Wasteland, now you can save up to 3 of those locations in a Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Datastore and fly to those destinations at any time, avoiding the randomiser.


I'll put up a more indepth and detailed blog about it tomorrow on the site.

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Hi all, a quick one, can I get some feedback on the Blog? Technicality wise, whether or not people are following it etc?


Bearing in mind it's more of a tech blog, are people able to follow it?

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I'm reading it. Might help to have comments enabled. I'm able to follow it, though mostly because I have been fooling around with the GECK for several months now. You're working with scripts that are pretty far beyond anything I have written though.
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I'm reading it. Might help to have comments enabled. I'm able to follow it, though mostly because I have been fooling around with the GECK for several months now. You're working with scripts that are pretty far beyond anything I have written though.


I'll enable them on a temporary basis for people to leave legit feedback, the only thing I don't want is people dropping random questions and requests, that's what this thread's for.

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