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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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I've isolated both the dial and lever into separate .nifs if you need them, Demeggy. Sounds like you have it well in hand though!


That'd be much appreciated Cam, I'll PM you my e-mail address.


Guys, just so you know, big step forward now, the end's in sight. You might want to all check out the Dev blog.

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well trying to uv map am irregular cylindrical shape at 2 52am is really not all that relaxing or easy so im off to bed. i hope you 2 have more luck. :thumbsup:
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well trying to uv map am irregular cylindrical shape at 2 52am is really not all that relaxing or easy so im off to bed. i hope you 2 have more luck. :thumbsup:


Oh well, best of luck with it. Right, hours break whilst I get a cider out and watch the Hungry Earth. Not too keen on the look of the new Silurians, but we'll have to see afterwards eh?


I'm going to start remodelling the console tonight.

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whoa this mod has really shot foward in a manner of speaking in the two days i have been away.


So i am really looking forward to this mod and it seems as though a release is in sight but after the mod is released i'm going to be a tad sad as we have our own little community at the moment.


So thanks Demeggy for all your time and effort you have put into this mod as without you this mod would not have been a reality. :thumbsup:


Also i remember you metioning another who related project a couple of months ago, just wondering will it still be set in FO3 or another game?

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whoa this mod has really shot foward in a manner of speaking in the two days i have been away.


So i am really looking forward to this mod and it seems as though a release is in sight but after the mod is released i'm going to be a tad sad as we have our own little community at the moment.


So thanks Demeggy for all your time and effort you have put into this mod as without you this mod would not have been a reality. :thumbsup:


Also i remember you metioning another who related project a couple of months ago, just wondering will it still be set in FO3 or another game?


Heh, thanks :) Another Who related project... hmm. Nothing springs to mind? The only modding platform I've been focusing on recently is this one.

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Any hint too what those animatons will be? :tongue:

In honesty, once this mod's done, I've got 2 other side projects, one Who related, I've been working on in the background. One's pretty much finished, and is incredibly simple (the none Who related one), and the other one, Who related, is just a concept at the moment.


I think i found the post

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I'm liking the interior shots of the TARDIS. I forget...did you create kit pieces for the hallways? Is the wardrobe part of that kit set? Or are those vanilla pieces?


Thanks, it's the texturing that's bumming me out atm. Part vanilla, part kit. I'm incorporating Coral buttresses into the corridors though to make it appear 'less vanilla'. The wardrobe's mainly vanilla, with a big 'root' of coral shooting out of part of the wall and up through the middle.

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well here it is my epic fail.


ill try again later its not letting me upload pictures

Edited by kruddpm
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