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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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Thanks for your messages of support and congrats guys, with the upcoming season finale, it's inspired me to get a wriggle on with things, so I'll be progressing with it bit by bit this week.


As for now though, I'm afraid I'm going to have to shamelessly plug an ebay sale...


GeForce 7950 GT - Starter bid @ £10 - Buy it now @ £45 - 18hours left


Time's are just that hard :confused:

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Sorry DMG, i know its a bit late but happy birthday, i have been away for a while visiting some friends in ireland, but hope your feeling more relaxed mate :blush:

anyway, just read the blog and glad to hear your back in business and yet again i cant wait for this MOD!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

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Sorry DMG, i know its a bit late but happy birthday, i have been away for a while visiting some friends in ireland, but hope your feeling more relaxed mate :blush:

anyway, just read the blog and glad to hear your back in business and yet again i cant wait for this MOD!!!!!!! :thumbsup:


Thats quite alright buddy, trust you had a good time?


Indeed, the mod is back on rolling feet and I'm going to progress like never before.

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I'm a semi-professional (and very active amateur) voice actor looking to, in short, do voices for video game mods.

I'm currently doing lines (and in some cases, writing!) for http://www.pvkii.com, http://www.obmsource.com, http://www.operationlambda.com and http://www.blueshiftsource.com, doing a variety of different characters, monsters and all sorts. I've also got 10ish years of experience doing voice acting professionally for TV (including ambient sounds for BBC series(es) such as Doctor Who!).

I'm 19 years old and I have a very broad vocal range, but before I shamelessly sell myself any more ...

Does the Fallout 3 modding community need someone like me for mods like this?

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I'm a semi-professional (and very active amateur) voice actor looking to, in short, do voices for video game mods.

I'm currently doing lines (and in some cases, writing!) for http://www.pvkii.com, http://www.obmsource.com, http://www.operationlambda.com and http://www.blueshiftsource.com, doing a variety of different characters, monsters and all sorts. I've also got 10ish years of experience doing voice acting professionally for TV (including ambient sounds for BBC series(es) such as Doctor Who!).

I'm 19 years old and I have a very broad vocal range, but before I shamelessly sell myself any more ...

Does the Fallout 3 modding community need someone like me for mods like this?


Having voices would make the mods much more impressive, but i am not sure what heavy developers would want. So generally, people making new worldspaces or towns with new characters would like to have a voice actor.

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I'm of the opinion that there's nothing more immersion-breaking in a game full of voiced dialogue than walking up to an NPC, talking to them, and to have them speak only in text with no audio accompanyment.


I'm not sure what the 'heavy developers' would want either. If there's any around - let me know!

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I'm of the opinion that there's nothing more immersion-breaking in a game full of voiced dialogue than walking up to an NPC, talking to them, and to have them speak only in text with no audio accompanyment.


I'm not sure what the 'heavy developers' would want either. If there's any around - let me know!


What I find annoying however about dialogue for some mods is when It adds things to already made NPCs and it changes their voice....like The Adult themed mod for fallout 3..... and it'd also kill me if the cigarette mod also had voice actors for it unless it was the original voice actors for each dialogue option....I'd prefer them to read a text saying "no I don't have one" instead of hearing a completely different voice saying that line lol XD but whats worse and I've heard before for a mod, which I can't remember which one it was, the voice actor didn't even put any emotion into it..... I mean I didn't take drama classes for no reason, well I kind of did it for the extra curriculum credit but still, I know that any good actor in general should know how to act with their tone of their voice or how they talk(that's what monologues are for) and even know how to act with their back to the audience and still show the emotion, which I've seen horribly done in some movies, cause acting wither it be voice or physical body acting is the actor needs to know how to act with any body part, or their voice, and still portray the emotion the character need to show.


However on another topic.....Grawwrrrrr Can't wait for this mod....it's like camping outside a game store waiting for a new game to come out, which was hellish when I waited with my friend for his Pre ordered Halo:ODST , but still the anticipation is killing me lol XD but none the less can't wait! Even though I don't really post here much I do follow this forum like a hawk when I have the openings to even touch my computer lol, and happy late birthday....and I agree with the others.....I mean I'd love this mod to be already done as much as the next guy but I also want this to have you're whole heart into it and not slowly drifting off and not even really wanting to touch the mod.....so if need be take a break cause it'll mean when you get back to it and your not exhausted from it, then it'll be even better then rushing it to be finished.... :D SO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK DEMEGGY! You're going to be the hero of doctor who fans everywhere! well ones that play fallout 3 :D lol

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Obviously adding voiced lines to existing characters would be challenging (and is generally inadvised), so I like to steer clear from that sort of thing. I was actually considering doing a mod of my own that completely changed the character of Three Dog to give him a lot more passion and develop the character more, since the way he is now we really don't get much of an idea of what he's about through the delivery of his lines/the way he talks. I wanted his character to shine through, make him a bit deeper. He's meant to be a wasteland revolutionary but he sounds like some bored technical support guy - so I had the idea of re-doing all his lines with a voice more like Zach De La Rocha or some other passionate, outspoken rebel. However I'm super busy with a bunch of Source modifications (and university and work etc etc) and just don't have time to learn how to use the GECK. I used the TES toolset a few times back in the day for Morrowind, but I wouldn't have the time to learn how to use it all over again. Hey, in fact, if anyone's interested in this idea, hit me up.


As for emotion etc in existing mods, that'd be down to bad actors. Also a professional recording setup is a must to get professional sound. And I've got one! :)

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