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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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Yea, i hate bein the slow one in the group.... but has this mod came out yet?


Not yet, go to Dem's blog in his signature and you'll see the countdown, i just read the post about the UNIT installation.

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:) Glad to have you following, welcome to the thread.


The Osterhagen facility isn't necessarily named for any specific reason other than being a Who reference. The facility IS where you'll find the TARDIS, amongst a few other little Who related goodies I've popped in there for fun.

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:) Glad to have you following, welcome to the thread.


The Osterhagen facility isn't necessarily named for any specific reason other than being a Who reference. The facility IS where you'll find the TARDIS, amongst a few other little Who related goodies I've popped in there for fun.


I understand that. It also creates an interesting environment for a possible future quest. There are so many things you can do with this, you could incorporate so many Who things like the Time Agents, specifically Harkness, and the Ood...Just so much lol Thank you for working so hard on this.


Also, "The Pandorica Opens"...wow lol It all just fell into place.

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Yeah that would be awesome mann. Especially if you incorporated some sort of alien baddy to fight like a dalek for possesion of the tardis

p.s. (Demeggy Y.O.U A.R.E A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Indeed, thanks again though.


Plans wise after the mod, providing on how it's received, I may work on a second wave of Who related enemies and scenarios. That's all dependant though on 1) how much time I can put in and 2) how much this initial release goes down.

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