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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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Jesus... no pressure then?! :S Thanks guys :) I'm happy with the community I've developed here more than anything, it's a shame a few of the regular goers back at the start have disappeared such as Krudd and Cambragol, but I'm sure they'll resurface the second the mod's released.


Hey! I'm here! No way I'd miss this!


I was just taking a little break from Fallout and Fallout modding in general. I like to do that occasionally, otherwise I get burned out. I was just coming off an 8 week straight modding frenzy on my own mod, so I definitely needed a little breather. I turned my creative energys towards something non-digital, and so I haven't even been scanning forums, let alone actively partaking.


Haven't looked in on this forum for a few weeks now...so much to catch up on!

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I can't post on the blog anymore...no image captcha to confirm I'm a human when posting.



so...Love the deathray. Awesome. The inverted visual effect makes it. The control panels all look great. So many features!


I am also very happy to hear you are planning some post release addons, in the form of extra destinations. Very cool. I wonder whether the assets of the last DLC (the space one...) couldn't be converted into a whole 'Tardis lands on weird spaceship and gets involved in Misc. adventure' type encounter.


Anyway, everything looks outstanding. Must stay tuned more frequently now.

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when you showed the dalek exterminator weapon there were other computers are there going to be more weapons?


p.s what's going to be in the expansions?


I'd like to say, but I really can't as I just don't know. I'd like to pop a small Quest in, so we'll have to see, time fitting. I'm back from my weekend away now so I'll resume with bits and pieces.


Less than 2 weeks till D Day.

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Heads up: The delayed treat is now working and implemented. I'm just packing her up and getting promo screens and a blurb ready, and I'll be uploading with a link on the the blog shortly.


My first upload, I'm rather excited now!

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Couple of hours top and it should be up by 11pm GMT at the extreme latest, ideally between 9pm and 10pm though. Just finishing off a tiny bit of polishing then it's up for y'all to download and enjoy.


Somehow, and I don't know how, but Ive managed to find half an hour to add a kind of mini-quest that goes with it. Funny old world.

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