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Metro 2033/Last Nosalis and Watchmen Models


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If anyone could get the Nosalis and watchmen models from either 2033 or last light I would be very grateful.


If possible, rig the Nosalis to the Trog thing skeleton from The Pitt and rig the Watchmen to the Dog skeleton
Nosalis: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130521021318/metro2033/images/f/fc/NosalisUndercityStandard.png http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uWkzL7kTV3E/Th_9U1tkUrI/AAAAAAAAA7I/33NB5D_cTFw/s1600/Nosalis_Portrait.jpg



http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130520213309/metro2033/images/0/06/HoppinWatchman3.png http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111230034657/metro2033/images/b/be/SittinHowler.png


If someone could do this I plan on making a Metro 2033 styled quest mod and it would greatly benefit from these models!

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