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I am having such a hard time


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Ok I have restarted the game countless times and have never made it past megaton due to the fact that I keep getting pwned by enemies have no idea what items I should save/sell and so on. Someone gave some advice on starting stats and what to focus a good majority of skill points into but I still keep getting mobbed. I don't get it if anyone can help me though I would appreciate it. Like should I level off wild prey or do the monsters (like in oblivion) lvl with you so lvling doesn't really matter in battle? Any starting quests I should be looking into for items or xp? Also whats the deal with radiation? It seems like all the food and drinks are irradiated and will cause stat drops when I get to much of it how do I counter this?


A little of topic but I noticed while speaking with the citizens of megaton that the speech options are quite disappointing. Let me make an example, in oblivion you could hear rumors of worldly events and then talk to the citizens about that topic but I do not see anything like that in Fallout 3. I mean hell even when you trigger a event with an npc the only people who even talk about it are the starting npc's and the target npc. Am I missing something or is this basically how it is laid out? Thanks for your time

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well, if you really suck at fallout, change the difficulty to easy for starters.


and no, the enemies are leveled but they don't level up with you, their levels are fixed, which is the main reason the game gets ridiculously easy fast.


the most important starting skill is small guns, cause thats pretty much all the weapons you will have for quite some time (later on switch to energy weapons or big guns, whatever you prefer)


it is kinda obvious that in a post apocalyptic world everything is irradiated, so yes food will give you rads (unless you never eat and just use stimpacks). if you do the wasteland survival guide, you will get a unique item which you can't get any other way, which increases the HP you gain from food and reduces the rads you receive from food (one of the first quests in the guide).


there are 2 ways to get rid of radiation:

1. see a doctor (which is when you start the game the prefered option, cause it only costs 100 caps and removes all rads)

2. use RadAway (removes rads, but if you have been exposed to a lot you need several and that costs more than 100 caps)


also keep in mind that there also is RadX which temporarily increases your rad resistance


how you level up is your choice, you basically got 2 choices:


1. complete quests

2. kill stuff


quests result in 1 big payoff in XP (plus the XP you get from killing stuff) and well killing stuff gives you just that XP so might as well do quests and earn extra XP.


every enemy is worth different amounts of XP (the stronger they are the more XP you get) so you gotta kill a lot more animals compared to stronger creatures, yet they die easier, so you won't get hurt as much.


towards your general buy/sell


each item shows you how good it is, a real nice small arm is the scoped .44 (though its not widespread, so you either explore until you find one or you look up locations where you can find one, at least 1 is rather close to megaton) and most vendors carry .44 ammo.


so scoped .44 for long range (its quite good even without VATS) and a shotgun for close range (you'll find plenty of those on raiders)


good starting armor is the security vault armor incl. helmet (just take em from one of the dead guards in vault 101, its main plus is its condition, it will be nearly 100% which you won't get early on anywhere else)


for skills: the only real important one is intelligence, cause that defines how many skill points you get when you level up and you can only level up to 20 (or 30 if you have broken steel).


perks you should take early on: educated & comprehension, you get more skill points per level and you get 2 skill points for each book read instead of 1 point (there's about 20 copies of each book in the game (average is 23 i think without DLC's, they add more copies))


perceptions always nice, especially if you plan on being a sniper


and don't use all that much charisma (4 points is plenty), its more important than in the previous games, but it still doesn't compare to the others.

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Thanks for that heap of info I was probably putting to much into charisma and spreading my points into to many skills. I thought Charisma was important for quests and disposition but I guess I was wrong. Any other tips would be appreciated. I really would like to get a rundown of what I should be doing so I can actually enjoy the game haha. Again thank you and if anyone else has info please share.
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so this is your second RPG/FPS or your second game of the "real" gaming league ?


cause if so, you're a bit late aren't you ? thats like 12 years (assuming one starts gaming @ 6) of your live you spend as a productive member of society, when you could have been playing games :D

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lol its my first real Sandbox RPG I guess you call it or free roaming. I have played all of the Final Fantasies and several other rpgs yea I am a bit late sadly but I hope to get into them more now that I have played fallout. I actually started with Oblivion but like I said I didn't own it so i couldn't get to far into it.
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In Megaton, you'll meet Moira Brown, a crazy redhead who sends you all over the place doing research for her. One of the very first things she asks you to do is go check out a local grocery store. After doing that, she'll give you a nifty piece of equipment to help with the food problem.

HOWEVER. it doesn't really work all that well.

To fix that, there is a quick & easy mod you can download which makes it work the way it ought to. It's called "rad-free sanitizer" or something like that. Get it!!!

Until then, quit eating & drinking that junk.


Small guns skill. Boost it up at every opportunity.


Learn how to repair things, and get that skill up as well. Mouse over something in your inventory, but don't click it, and hit the 'R' key. If yo have anything in your inventory that you can use for parts to fix the thing, you can fix it by clicking on that donor item.

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To address the Fallout3 is "too easy" point -- yes, I found that to be the case. Initially challenging, but it doesn't last long.


There are many great mods that can aid in that: Arwen's Realism Tweaks, Survival of the Fittest, mods that decrease the rate at which you gain XP. Check my Weighty Matters and Just Say No mods as an example (and links to realism and immersion mods). Not to mention mods like Martigen's Mutant Mod (MMM), especially with increased, increased spawns.


You'll find a ton of mods on Fallout3 Nexus to turn vanilla Fallout3 into the type of game you want it to be.

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