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Strange body textures


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After installing the rude body texture pack, it seems all the males in my game have strange textures. As you can see in the picture, they have "teeth" on their left shoulders, and not only that, but their body skin tone is a monotone shade of yellowy-tan. Archive Invalidated is active. I've also tried downloading a few different male body packs but this didn't do the trick. Any opinions or suggestions?

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:biggrin: Okay, got it ... we know why people use Rude.


The teeth on the shoulder bit is a conflict in body replacer mods. For male textures/meshes, there's Breeze's and Malos' ... the Rude pack uses Malos', I believe. Some work in FO3Edit would probably fix the issue by editing the Body Parts records. Just a suspicion on my part, without opening AP in FO3Edit.


For female body replacers (which is by far the larger selection), you have an aesthetic choice to make:


Dimon's Type3 seems to be the most popular, quite probably because of the sheer number of armor mods available for it. (Though prancing around the Wastelands scantily clad seems a bit preposterous, but whatever.)


BABE MkIII is also quite popular and seems to work well with Type3 armors/clothing. Something to do with the same UV mapping or whatever (I'm hardly an expert on the topic).


TypeV is a variation of Type3.


Exnem's, Malos and a host of others have also made contributions.


So it comes down to a matter of personal preference insofar as which you use for females.


I'm not entirely sure, but I think the issue is in the implementation of the Rude package and it's use of "body suits" to accomplish it's ... errmm .. graphic interpretation of prostitution. This is causing some funky issue with whatever body replacing mod you chose. As I mentioned above, quite probably in what .nif meshes (and corresponding textures) are assigned to a particular body part.


I wish I could be more helpful, but I only downloaded the mod to glean ideas for a mod of my own and didn't really look that closely at the mechanics of the "body swapping" in achieving AP's animation.


Though thanks to your post, I will probably look deeper into it, because the technique is worth knowing (again, for my own mod). If I come across anything particularly noteworthy in my research, I'll let you know.


That brings us back to the issue at hand ... If I remember correctly, you can choose to use the Rude content or not. I suspect that you should choose not to implement it.

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Thanks for looking into it. I found a (at least temporary) solution to the problem; I deactivated archive invalidation using FMM and loaded the game. Body textures were back to their original, non teethy selves. But like I said this is definately only a temporary fix :(
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