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[Question] Using Conditions for NPC


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I am curious about the proper approach with creating a condition with what an NPC would say. Essentially, I want to create a condition where an NPC would say something in a specific time (9 PM-4 AM) and under a specific weather condition (Clear with Aurora). I was hoping someone would chime in on if this is the correct approach to doing it (barring all the details, just wanted to get to the meat of it):


GetCurrentTime >= 21.00 AND

GetCurrentTime <= 4.00 AND

GetIsCurrentWeather SkyrimClear_A == 1.00 OR

GetIsCurrentWeather SkyrimClearSN_A == 1.00 OR

GetIsCurrentWeather SkyrimClearFF_A == 1.00 OR



My question is would this condition be possible (especially with the GetCurrentTime Condition). If not, what is a better condition when checking if it is at night?

Edited by ThatGuyYeah
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I know that, but the creation kit wiki was a little vague on how to use the GetCurrentTime function. All it says is "Returns current game time, in decimal format, e.g. 4:30 am = 4.5, 7:45 pm = 19.75." Ergo, why I was asking if that is the correct way of using it when setting up conditions.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there, this is an old thread but anyways... the weather condition exists too. It's IsRaining, IsSnowing, and IsCloudy. If you want it to check if its raining, snowing, or cloudy, you leave the value at 1.00. But if you wanted it to be clear skies, you would set all those values to 0.

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