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Skyrim Magic System Overhaul


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I've been watching Once Upon a TIme lately, and thought it would be cool if magic in Skyrim was similar to that.


You start with the default magicka, but it doesn't show up and is non usable until you read a book detailing magic and how to use it.


Spells require you to master them, instead of working perfectly straight away. Maybe you'll need to hold the spell for a certain amount of time.

Ecample say you're using fireball. It could be extremely small and weak when you first start using it, or maybe explode in your face. Once you've mastered it it works normally. or with the time idea, holding it down too short results in a fail fireball, too long makes it explode in your face.


Some teleportation spells would be nice, I know there's a boss in Skyrim that teleports around the map with a conjuration like effect. Maybe make it an infinitely usable power. Enemies could use it too, to make magical enemies more difficult.


Just throwing some ideas out there. if I could do it myself, I would, but I'm not that good at modding, especially scripting, which this mod would likely require a lot of.

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