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how do i do it??


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im a noob at this just started modding last week. :wallbash: and i still cant figure out how exactly you add community/self made textures to the game so they replace the existing ones , or at all for that matter. right now im trying to figure out how add items and re-skin items ( books ad swords mostly, but people too)



and im sry if there is already a thread that pertains to this toppic i just couldnt find it , i hope nobody gets too mad at this poor little nood :( :unsure: :confused:

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That big yellow thing is the missing mesh sign. Before you mess with archive invalidation, which can be a controversial thing, see if your mesh really is missing or not. The CS is telling the mod to put a certain item with a certain model at a certain spot. It will have a certain filepath to the mesh. Go see if your mesh is where the filepath says it should be. If not, move it to the right place, or change the filepath so it directs the program to the place it is actually at.
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That big yellow thing is the missing mesh sign. Before you mess with archive invalidation, which can be a controversial thing, see if your mesh really is missing or not. The CS is telling the mod to put a certain item with a certain model at a certain spot. It will have a certain filepath to the mesh. Go see if your mesh is where the filepath says it should be. If not, move it to the right place, or change the filepath so it directs the program to the place it is actually at.




hey thanks. turns out i put the mesh in the textures folder ...



Now on to my next problem, i downloaded Kvatch Rebuilt & OOO. Now when i have Kvatch Rebuilt enabled, oblivion wont even start, when i enable OOO ive noticed that the game crashes when ever i enter imperial city.


anybody have any ideas?

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