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Should I even bother anymore?

Harabec Weathers

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@ Calliton, haha maybe maybe. I seem to have a nack for finding the drama hungry crazy girls. Aye where is dezi, wheres the little minx finding haha


@ josh, yea im trying dude. Im trying for sure. Like I said im leaving very soon, and when Im gone I definately wont have time to look for a girl lol.


@Illiad, congrats on hitting the jackpot lol :) lucky lucky haha. I remeber I girl I met over Facebook, just started talking randomly, met up once and things sort of took off from there. Unfortunutaly it didnt last long, lots of drama, lots of words exchanged, ultimately another crash and burn. Oh well I guess. But I agree with the magazine, she used to buy them all the time. I thumbed through one once and was like "wtf is all this garbage?" No wonder it didnt work out she was always trying to analize and look for ulterior motive to my actions. Ridiculous lol. People cant be happy and accept things or people for what they are anymore.

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I've walked many miles in your shoes my friend - I've been burning in Hell because of the things I regret doing that caused me the loss of good things I had going. I was at my wits end when my love and I found each other, and even then it wasn't easy to get where we're at today. But I'm utterly grateful and truly blessed we made it this far - 7 months since the 24th of Oct. and I hope we last forever.


Like Dezi said, things will happen when they happen, you just need to be patient. I'm 24 and have never experienced relationships until last year, and my failures have brought to where I am today - I regret, but don't let that get me down. Like you I always try my best to be the best for my baby girl, and when I crash and burn, she's there with me, and I'm there with her when she's had a bad day.


I see my past failures as stepping stones which got me to where I'm at now - all those broken relationships were never meant to be, even though it still hurts a little. Trust me, we've all had our fair share of broken hearts. The only thing that you mustn't do is give up completely, because you'll surely f*** yourself over in the future. Have faith that good things will come to you - you'll feel it in your heart when you know she's the right girl for you, even if you may not believe it at first. :)

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Look on the bright side - the fact that you've had any girlfriends to break up with means you're doing a lot better than some people. Just keep at it, you'll find the right person eventually, if you put the effort in. From what experience I have, relationships seem to be a combination of really hard work, and luck. Women don't make any sense (well, not to me anyway :P), and when something's wrong, they don't tell you what - they just leave you to guess. Which is probably the root cause of most breakups tbh, people don't tell each other what's wrong until its too late (and often never explain it properly). But, you'll get there eventually, if you keep at it. :)


And yeah, giving up completely won't help solve the issue. Though, I can tell you, it sure as hell is tempting sometimes... but at the end of the day the only thing it'll achieve is potentially letting what could be great opportunities pass you by.

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I'm not sure I really believe in perfect matches, I think I believe in two people remembering to treat each other respectfully every day.


I think there are good matches and sometimes there are relationships that feel so right they seem like soul mates.


My husband and I are about to celebrate 28 years after the holidays. We love each other as much as ever. Life is tough, and a lot of it isn't as much about the flowers, as about whether you listen respectfully, consult before making important decisions, and speak your own resentments early and compassionately before they become insurmountable differences: that's just common courtesy and living honestly, and having faith in your partner to change that behavior that hurts you. This does not give the right for tyranny, though, if your demands are met by your partner as unreasonable your behavior becomes the problem.


By the way changing your behavior in order to live harmoniously is a good thing. All this BS in the US about "don't change me" is a cop out for lazy whiners.



The easiest rule of thumb to guarantee your long happy relationship is:

Never be the source of my partner's unhappiness.

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