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Make animal followers return to your home


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Basically - All I'm after is a mod that lets you make your home your animal follower's (that is, Meeko, Bran, Vigilance) home. It would be similar to this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18045/? and would simply change the place that the animal returns to after you dismiss them. I'm aware that Hearthfire allows you to adopt an animal - but it's limited to 1 canine and one "critter" - which I think is a bit limiting, if you've fallen in love with Vigilance, yet feel really sorry for Meeko, and then learn that there asre Huskies and fall in love with them as well. XD

Also, and one other small request - is there a mod that re textures Meeko and ONLY Meeko into a slightly different breed of dog (not a Husky), just to make him a little different from other dogs in the game.

Many thanks,
~Silva'al Myme

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