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I'm so sick of the 2012 lies >_>.


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To ZephyKronos,


the Mayan calender proceeds in ages. We are in age 1, we will progress to age 2 (apparently) in 2012.

The Mayan calender does not end. There is no "great ending" it is simply a calender that tells how we progress, not how we die.

People thought we'd die by the Cold war. Vietnam. Korea. Cuba. N.Korea. China. Opium war, so on and so on.

But as usual, they were proven wrong.

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What Dark0ne said. *lol* Life goes on. :)


The interpretation of older cultures then us, is not always easy and like a game that is in beta testing you should not jump to quickly to conclusions.

*cough* Also about some cultures you may NEVER know what was the intent, unless you directly transfer a very clear consciousness into that,

kinda like avatar. :D

Edited by Nadimos
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