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Will the Mystery Guest Please Sign In...


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His name is Arnand...he was dressed as a monk. and he was trapped in "The Pale Lady's" holding cell with Amusei as I was doing that thieves' guild quest.


As soon as I opened the cage, he went hostile...I knocked him unconscious, and when he came to, I spoke to him where he had a dialog about the count that was not voiced (which leads to my suspicion that he is a mod addition).


The only mod I have running currently that has added anything to the Skingrad neighborhood is Kvatch Rebuilt.


Does anyone have a clue who this guy is and why he's there?

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If I remember, Arnand is a critical NPC in the Kvatch mod. However he is supposed to be in the courtyard when you go to Skingrad Castle as a part of a quest. He is not supposed to be in the cell. :huh:


Maybe he got on the Pale lady's bad side somehow? :wink: It's a good thing you let him out or you would not be able to finish the Kvatch Rebuilt mod. :cool:

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