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Assassin's Creed Mod..


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Very simple. Gear + Assignments:


There are already mods which give out hit lists for 'good and bad' characters and expand on the law bringer / contract killer quests. The quest givers are in shacks. Its pretty sad.


I'd recommend a random encounter with an assassin (at minimum) who gives a note explaining how the player character has been being watched and rated. The player char should be given gear and a hit list of influential characters who are destabilizing the wasteland's recovery, both good and bad.


Ideally, I'd recommend the random encounter give one target that is a relatively easy kill. If the player is successful, the random encounter returns when you sleep with a new note, target, and mark marker to some hub location with a variety of other assassin gear in case you want to convert your followers. Every time you kill a target and sleep, you get a new note assignment.


After a awhile the last note is an assignment to maintain the recovery of the wastelands as you see fit, recruiting if necessary, as a life long mission.. this essentially puts you in charge directly which meshes with the games open choice format.


Gear wise, I'd suggest a similar approach to the Tailor Maid mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5424


A basic white hood with a few white outfits. Each could have a slightly different look like the assassin gear from tailor maid compared to the executioner outfit or the law bringer outfit.

The idea is to have each with similar assassination gear in different belt / sheathes, and each to have the red hanging belt accent on the front and single side black short cape (assassin's creed II). Mix AC gear with the Fallout 3 look.


The hidden blade gauntlet could be a variation on the power fist. When not combat ready, its wearable similar to the power fist. Two medium length blades extend over the fist in the same way the knuckle guard does. When attacking, instead of hydraulics pushing a knuckle guard, they push the two blades. An under wrist mounting is impractical due to the attack animation.

This is better in my opinion.


Skill bonuses on gear to melee, unarmed, stealth, explosives, lock picking, and hacking prevent the 'commando' approach. Small guns become a last alternative fall back and big guns aren't utilized. Explosives are used to set traps or scatter targets (stealth grenade :D ).

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It's an interesting concept, and i like how you want to plan it, but it seems a little odd for me, so just to give ideas, here's how i would do a mod like this (can't mod for crap, so don't blame me if these things are far out, they are ideas):


-The wasteland isn't changed much, you get ambushed by Assassin Recruits randomly, you can fight them and gain Assassin Infamy


-gain enough Infamy and the Master will come after you, fight him, and he will auto-heal and stop fighting, talking to you, saying your worthy of joining the assassin ranks and gives you the option to train as one


-you'll start new quests dealing with taking out influential figures in the wastelands, and learn the broader story of why the Assassins are there, and as you take out more and more of the figures, you get better equipment (maybe have them strip you of your equipment and armor,leaving you with just the recruit weaponry and armor)


-as you get better, you can kinda influence the master on what your comfortable with as an assassin, making more options to fit you, and Karma will key in there, going after "targets" that the master assigns without gaining info on them will be like a 50/50 chance its good or bad, so lets say you need to kill someone, the more you find stuff on them, like notes on dead bodies (like the target's gaurds, maybe he runs away before you can hurt him, you loot the gaurds and figure out he isn't what the master said, and then you can either go and complete the contract or help the target escape from the master's eye)


-and as you do this you figure out more of the targets are innocent, and the Master is corrupt (maybe have this be End Game material, so he might be trying to re-start project PURITY (if you didn't contaminate the water) or to make the water so infected it kills on the spot) and you start a quest with the recruits to stage a coup de grace on your master, and they put you at the head of the assassins, and give you your stuff back, and put you in control of what they do.


Kinda out there, but it's an idea, and maybe have the assassins be able to be assigned to a spot, so like if you wanna protect Megaton more, station assassins there, and maybe have some new faction arise, like rebels or templars (then you go find the Altair armor and go track them down) and for the infamy idea, maybe use a point tracker like in New Vegas's Willow Mod. I wanted to focus more on like how you would become an assassin, and the power fist ideas work well, and if that isn't possible, make the power fists stronger or weaker by rank (hey, the Chinese Assassins Don't use hidden blades, they wear blades on their feet *AC Embers Ref*), so maybe the Wasteland Assassins lost the papers to make the hidden blades, and if it is possible, maybe have it be rare, maybe the materials are hard to find (in AC2, Altair says the material is very rare to find and make, so maybe they just lack the means to make them)

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