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Missing Khajiit Textures


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I am running TFF and Robert's Male Bodies. They both worked fine until I installed the official patch.

Then I got this:


-Like I said, it worked fine before patching. I replaced the lowerbody.nif with lowerbody4.nif so I wouldn't see the tackle. Since those are meshes, I don't think they matter much when it comes to missing textures. > > -


For the females, I got this:


-Since I have yet to download the underwear I turned her for pseudo-censorship. That, and the tail is the only thing missing. She's also pooping her tail which made me laugh like the immature git I am. I don't know if the misplaced tail is vanilla or not.-

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Try this: Delete everything in ArchiveInvalidation.txt(or something), making it blank dummy file. Then, install 'Archive Invalidation Invalidated'.

No. Still pink. :/


They shouldn't be missing, because vanilla textures and meshes are stored in .bsa files, unless you did something to them. Maybe the best bet is uninstall body replacers completely, then reinstall them.

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I'd need the original textures and such; just in case.


I didn't back them up. :wallbash:


As I said, all the vanilla textures and meshes are stored in .bsa files(You shouldn't see any \meshes\ or \textures\ with clean(first-time) install), so deleting replacement textures/meshes will make the game revert to vanilla ones.

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The object in CS and the .nif are linked to .dds, which must be in a specific folder.


I had the problem with armors of Elsweyr mod, and it was because i put .dds in the vanilla Armors folder. They were supposed to be in one other created by the author.

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