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Acs Dungeon Generator GUI

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Mod name: Acs Dungeon Generator GUI


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  • 2 years later...
good work can u make one for oblivion ?
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  • 1 year later...

I can't get this to do anything. It starts up, I set all the parameters, and click generate, and it gets up to "Generating ESP", but sits on "#0", and does nothing at all. Been sitting at the same spot all day, am I doing something wrong?


I grabbed it because I couldn't figure out how to work the generators themselves, and thought this would help.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 12 years later...
If anyone else sees this, this program very frustratingly does not link to the Blockhead tools and whatnot it needs to run. All of them can be found at MMH, but since its search function is down at the moment I will just link you to the "Utilities" section and tell you to go through all the pages and look for the stuff the PIF files are named after. Good luck. https://mw.modhistory.com/download-95
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  • 4 weeks later...
In response to post #116600038.

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I still cant work out how to get this bloody thing working, have all the components i need, but it just insta crashes, saying my computer cant run it.
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  • 3 months later...
In response to post #116600038. #117809698 is also a reply to the same post.

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MMH is down now, so I took the liberty of looking through the Wayback Machine. The two relevant site archives are: http://tommyshideout.net/programs/acsdungeongenerator/ for the full info on this GUI and its original files, and http://users.bestweb.net/~pogo/stuff.html for the generator tools, under the Morrowind Utilities subheader. All the files are archived, so we're lucky on that front. What's not so lucky is the fact that the generators run in DOS and this GUI runs in windows -- you can't just substitute DOSBox without significant headaches. It ran perfectly in a Windows XP virtual machine, though, and produced a functional dungeon that only needed a couple of doors to enter and exit.

Edit: I tried, and DOSBox won't work with this GUI. I managed to get it generating the txt files, but it doesn't let you customize the commands used to run the esp converter or the esp merger so it'll always fail at that stage on 64-bit systems. That said, if you skip the GUI and use the tools via command-line (run a generator, then txt2esp, then espjoin) DOSBox will probably work fine. Edited by 666bloodynex666
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