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Nifskope Problems


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I have been working on some disguises for my own mod after being inspired by the Halloween Hunt mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27963. I am running into difficulties, however as the hair and eyes will not match-up with the bodies in nifskope. I understand that there is a reason behind that for the sake of changing aspects of the creatures, I am just wondering how to overcome this if it is possible.


I am using the meshes and textures from this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26642, the Female Lich as it allows me to use custom body parts and can from this example use roberts male body and the like for other costumes. In the above mod I am only missing the eyes and hair and/or helmet. They are the only items missign to complete the body the way I want it, I just cannot seem to be able to merge them in Nifskope. Any suggestions?





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