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Need help adding dialogue to custom race NPC


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I am adding a special NPC (Divayth Fyr) to my mod and I had to create a custom race to make them look right.

The character has a beard and is dunmer so I used Sheogorath as a base because his beard animates properly.


I've done all the necessary texturing, but I need to know how to add dialogue to a custom race.


This race is not playable, it is for an specific NPC who I want to talk to the player.

Currently I get the I HAVE NO GREETING message.


Does anybody know how I might do this?

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Someone hopefully will come along that knows much more than I do. It would be hard to know less. =)


That said, I use a companion that is a custom race, and her dialogue seems to be set up just as any other NPCs. Maybe between looking at the esp for a custom race companion and the construction set wiki, you can find what you need. I have learned most of what I know so far by studying the esps of others that come close to what I am trying to do.


Hope that helps a little, and that someone more knowledgeable comes along to help you.

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Thank you, grmblf, but I've looked through the tutorial and it doesn't seem to address my problem.


I had to copy the Sheogorath race in order get the animating beard. I've switched the Male and female Voice Race box

to High Elf, because Dunmer use that voice set, but I still get nothing. Not even a grunt if attacked.


What's worse is when I try to add a temp voice with LIP files, it doesn't seem to read that anything's there.

No folder appears in the little box at the middle of the Edit Dialogue prompt. If I have to I'll add all his dialogue

by hand, but the main problem is I don't know what folder it should be put under for LIP sync.


A rather bizarre thing is I got it to work once, but not for a topic, it was under the Conversation tab. It actually

brought up the high elf folder that I was looking for, but since that I've had no luck.

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I solved the problem, though it seems that ALL his voice acting will have to be done custom. Oh, well.


The trouble was I needed to create a generic dialogue quest (ex. MyModGenericDialogue) with no stages

to add all of the dialogue too, and, most importantly, to use the Quest Editor (I got confused and was using

the filtered dialogue for a little while) but creating a quest and the adding a GREETING topic and dialogue, the

other topics would not show up otherwise, solved the problem.


Thank you all for your help.

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