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Weird sound issue


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Suddenly, people sound like they are gagged when talking but louder and clearer as I walk away. I cannot hear footsteps and doors no longer make noise. Afaik, I have not messed with anything recently. Any clues?


Edit: I have already made sure that my sound is not set to surround. Rebooting seems to temporarily fox the issue but it comes back.

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I joined this forum to say I have the EXACT same sound issue :verymad: . I installed the game (GOTY edition) the day before yesterday and had numerous problems but most seem to be solved now, apart from a few like this one.

I have a Gigabyte UD4P motherboard with soundcard integrated (realtek) (and an i7 920 + Nvidia GTX275 gfx-card), my drivers are the latest (the previous drivers would cause that I could not here people talking ...). I have set everything to 2.0 speakers, so no surround sound. I also disabled ffd-show codecs from my K-Lite codec pack I installed a few months ago. I have NEVER had any sound problems whatsoever whit other games (Half Life 2, Bioshosk, F.E.A.R., Vampire Bloodlines, Far Cry 2, ...).

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