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Passing on the Power


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Okay, so im tired of my character being Listener, Arch-mage, FG Guildmaster, The Gray Fox, Champion of Cyrodiil, and several other positions. I was wondering if someone could make a mod which would create a new position for each guild called 'Retired'. You could go, appoint Raminus Polus Archmage and give him the robes, appoint Armand Christophe the Gray Fox and give him the cowl, appoint Modryn Oreyn the Guildmaster, and appoint Arwenial the Listener giving her the blade of woe. Wouldnt this be pretty easy?
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Make ARQUEN Listener? Are you joking? That pug-facedbiddy would run the Brotherhood into the ground before your hand hit the doorknob.


Anyway, it wouldn't be that hard for a modder, I should think.


LMFAO i agree, she was useless!!!


but yeah i understand what you mean with this mod, sounds awesome, or to even give the position to anyone in the guild like say, turning an apprentice mage into a master mage, or whatever, or a murderer to a silencer. maybe have a new menu where you can send NPC's in your guild off to do tasks like finding you stuff, and depending on the loot they bring will decide if they should be raised in rank. i really like your idea!!!

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Yeah good idea(s) strikerdes. Now, would anyone be willing to make this?

Willing, but unable.


I do like the bit about promoting members of the guild. I always wanted to take on the cute goth Breton Muderer as my protege after ther DB quests were done.

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