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Passing on the Power


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Okay, so im tired of my character being Listener, Arch-mage, FG Guildmaster, The Gray Fox, Champion of Cyrodiil, and several other positions. I was wondering if someone could make a mod which would create a new position for each guild called 'Retired'. You could go, appoint Raminus Polus Archmage and give him the robes, appoint Armand Christophe the Gray Fox and give him the cowl, appoint Modryn Oreyn the Guildmaster, and appoint Arwenial the Listener giving her the blade of woe. Wouldnt this be pretty easy?


I'll try making a spell, although I have no idea if I can script it...

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Okay, so im tired of my character being Listener, Arch-mage, FG Guildmaster, The Gray Fox, Champion of Cyrodiil, and several other positions. I was wondering if someone could make a mod which would create a new position for each guild called 'Retired'. You could go, appoint Raminus Polus Archmage and give him the robes, appoint Armand Christophe the Gray Fox and give him the cowl, appoint Modryn Oreyn the Guildmaster, and appoint Arwenial the Listener giving her the blade of woe. Wouldnt this be pretty easy?


I'll try making a spell, although I have no idea if I can script it...



How can it make you tired? My character became those things, and didn't have a damn thing to do anyway.

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@Peppez: Thanks! Hope it works!


@Myrmaad: I didnt say it MADE me tired, i said I WAS tired of it. I dont like being the leader of every guild and i dont feel like i deserve such high positions either. But i like to do the quests so people stop complaining about Traven and the Blackwood company.

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A beginner's guide: Everyone willing to mod might be able to do so just following this little tutorial and a few more, depending on what kind of things one is willing to mod.


Regarding this mod, it's perfectly doable and should be pretty easy, the problem it poses is that it would involve a lot of work. It's not only creating a new 'emeritus' rank in every guild and switching the player to that rank and some other NPC to the highest one. Due to the way quests and dialogues are build in Oblivion (in a very linear way), dialogues do not correspond to your rank but rather to the quest you're on. ie once you've finished certain quests, as the game is so damn linear, it will know that you have to have achieved certain rank, so it all does match. So it means that in order to make dialogues match you new "rank" you'd need to make a duplicate dialogue for every single line of text that refers to you as the highest rank replacing the words "arch-mage" by "honorable emeritus arch-mage" or whatever courtesy name you choose, and so on for each guild latests quests, and also add a simple check to know when you've passed on the power to someone else so to NPCs know how to refear to you.


Oh, and that just not to mention possible incompatibilities with other mods that alters some high-rank guild quests.


Anyway, as I've said, it's perfectly doable and it would only require a little knowledge about quests and dialogues (and also a bunch of patience, like everything worthing your time), so I definitely encourage all you ideas-guys and TESnexus adepts to give it a try, download the Construction Set, read the beginner's guide and then consider again if you're able or not to mod out such idea, or if you're even willing to do so or not. I'm not gonna mod it myself because I've enought work by now and because such concept is not within my priorities but if some of you take the request I could lend a hand.


Good luck with it!

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