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Fallout: The Promised Land Characters


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{Character List}



This topic will be where I shall post the profiles of the accepted characters submitted to the roleplay "Fallout: The Promised Land".


Posting them here will help the front page of the RP topic from getting too long, as well as save space.


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{The Leader}


Username: Cyberweasel89

Name: Morlin

Nicknames: "Mom"

Sex: Female

Age: 220

Race: Ghoul

Ethnicity: She used to be of Middle-Eastern descent. Can't tell now, though.

Role: The Leader

Weapons: Morlin takes more of a non-combat role. The closest thing she has to a weapon is a long wooden pool she uses as a walking stick. Brumas usually protects her.

Abilities: Morlin has very few noteworthy abilities, as she can’t cook, has no medical skills, and is not exceptionally athletic. Aside from her leadership skills and drive to find the Promised Land, Morlin’s only real skill is her ability to stir a desire for a better life in the hearts of the people she meets.

Weaknesses: Aside from her lack of noteworthy abilities, Morlin is a ghoul, with the obvious repercussions. She is extremely insecure about her decayed appearance. At almost all times, she will wear a hooded burlap cloak to hide her appearance, keeping the fact that she is a Ghoul a secret from everyone aside from her second-in-command. If anyone asks her about her raspy voice, she will often say the excuse that the voice chords in her throat were damaged by a wild dog. She will sometimes claim a Yao Guai damaged her throat chords if she wants to look tough to someone stupid.

Her blindness, surprisingly, doesn’t really bother her. Brumas is essentially her seeing eye Yao Guai, and she has her walking stick. Ghouls don’t have very good senses of smell due to not having noses, but she’s a good listener. She usually listens to Brumas’s wheezing to find out where to walk to avoid obstacles. She, by no means, has extra senses for her environment. She is little less helpless than the average pre-war blind person.

Personal Belongings: Blindfold, shoulder slung bag, Geiger counter, water flask, lighter, pack of cigarettes

Personality: Morlin is the mother figure of the Outlaws, generally remaining calm, collected, and the voice of reason. She is quite nurturing to the members of her group, and will often refer to people with terms of endearment such as “sweetie”, “cutie”, and “honey”, though her horrific appearance and raspy voice removes much of the charm from this act. Due to being a Ghoul, Morlin is insecure about her appearance, and near-constantly hides beneath a hooded burlap cloak, only revealing her race to those she trusts. Most of the new Outlaws are at first unaware that their leader is a Ghoul, and not a woman with damaged vocal chords.

History: Like most Ghouls, Morlin was alive before the war, where she went by a different name. Living in what was then Chicago, Illinois, she was happy, living a normal life. She didn’t have much, but she had her mother, father, and beloved older brother. Her mother was a workaholic, her father lazed about on the couch with the excuse of an injury. Her brother mostly took care of her, who she idolized as her hero. She was only ten years old when the sirens went off. That day, her family rushed into the basement of their apartment complex. When the bombs hit, an explosion shook the building, causing little Morlin to bang her head on a table, stealing her consciousness.

she awoke to find that, of her family, only she and her brother had survived. Shaken and shivering from the events, Morlin’s brother brought them outside and soon found some other survivors, who came together as an unofficial family. Living with this group of people, from so many different races, religions, and working classes, Morlin learned a truth that would stick with her for the rest of her life: Anyone, no matter the differences, can come together out of necessity and become a closer family than any blood family could ever be. Staying with her new family, she got over the post-traumatic stress. But this was soon replaced with something even more traumatic.

Over the following months, her flesh became rotten and her body decayed. She had become a Ghoul. Her new family, horrified at her appearance, decided that she had to go. Her brother insisted that she stay, but they would hear nothing of it. She was cast out by her new family. At first alone in this post-apocalyptic wasteland, her brother soon caught up to her, and they wandered together.

Over the next decade or so, Morlin noticed her brother acting strangely. His hair started falling out. His eyes began to glow green. His skin started flaking and falling away. Eventually his whole body started glowing. While the change was obvious to little Morlin, her older brother took no notice of it. Later in life, Morlin would wonder if he was ignoring the change for her sake, to not worry her. But the change was inevitable, and he became a Glowing One. While at first just the same older brother he had always been, his personality showed some changes a few years after the physical transformation was complete. He was often mumbling to himself. He would have bouts of random anger. Eventually his whole sanity slipped, and he became feral.

After a while of traveling and trying to keep her feral Glowing One brother from attacking any human he saw, Morlin took him to the basement of an old building and tethered him to a radiator by a chain around his neck. She brought him food, talked with him, and convinced herself that he was still her brother deep inside. Part of her wondered if she, too, would lose her humanity like he did. She wondered if after a while, she would be tethered right there with him. How she would get tethered was something she wondered. Likely, if she noticed a change in her personality, she would chain herself. An interesting thought, but how would she know she was going insane? Her brother didn’t seem to notice. But he may have just been putting up a front for her sake... She would probably never know.

This lasted about fifty years. By the end of these fifty years, Morlin had become a Ghoul teenager. She awoke one morning to find a banging on the door. Some men barged in, looking to loot the building. Her brother immediately broke free from his chain and mauled several of the Raiders to death, while she merely hid behind a boiler and tried to stop herself from crying in fear. He killed several of them, but more arrived, and her brother was overwhelmed. He was killed with a blast to the head. It was only a matter of moments before they noticed her, and she was captured. The Raiders decided to turn her into their new play thing. They tied her up at their camp and routinely beat her. When she tried to escape them, they blinded her. Her eyes damaged beyond repair, she remained quiet and subdued, allowing them to do as they pleased with her. The rest of her life would be in an abyss of darkness, in more ways than one.

The Raiders grew bored with her in a matter of months. They sold her to slavers for some quick caps. Her next few decades were spent being sold from person to person many times over the next eighty years or so. She even ended up in Paradise Falls a few times. That is, until she was rescued by a strange man of mystery. The man came in, guns blazing, and freed all of the slaves of the settlement. She wanted to thank the man, but was unable to find him as she stumbled about in the dark abyss.

Over the next five years, Morlin wandered the wastes, seeking shelter wherever Ghouls were allowed. She was wandering the wastes one day, when she heard the sounds of growling and ant mandibles clicking. One of the voices sounded like whimpering. Assuming it was a dog, she ran to the source. When arrived, she found a large Yao Guai lying there, dead, surrounded by a group of equally dead Giant Ants. Nearby, huddled by a withered tree, Morlin found a young infant Yao Guai. Giving him some meat from her bag and letting him sniff her hand, they stayed the night together in a nearby hollow in a rocky uprise, sharing each other’s warmth. By morning the next day, they were inseparable.

Morlin and the young Yao Guai took to wandering the wastes together, as a family. The young mutant bear was not a pet as much as he was her own little brother. He protected her, he fed her, he comforted her. All like her older brother used to do. She had nearly forgotten about her older brother in the years since he was killed and she was enslaved. This young creature had reminded him of the joy her life once carried. She named him Brumas, after the brother he reminded her of. They grew more and more inseparable with each passing day.

It was one day only a few decades ago, while sneaking through an alley of one settlement, that Morlin heard a Human mother tell her child a bedtime story. A bedtime story about the Promised Land. A land where the trees are lush and green, the water is pure and clear, the animals are safe and mutation-free, and there is no radiation to worry about. Inspired by the tale, the Ghoul decided that she would find this promised land, a place where everyone would be safe from the atomic wasteland and the dangers it held.

She’s traveled ever since then, and has gone through multiple groups of followers. She would pick up anyone who was hoping for a better life, accepting them as a member of her new family. Many of the previous Outlaws to have joined had either quit or died, either through battle, accident, or natural causes. Recently she has obtained a Pack Brahmin named Bessie to help carry her supplies, who she loves just like any other member of her make-shift family. Her tendency to nurture and attend to the needs of anyone in her band of Outlaws has led many of them to call her “Mother”, or something similar.

Appearance: [x]

Other: Cyberweasel89 wishes she could have found a more decayed appearance, but it’s hard to find pictures of female zombies.

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{The Doctor}


Username: SickleYield

Name: She's not sure. She thinks it starts with an M.

Nicknames: Stubs

Sex: Female

Age: Chronologically 5; physically appears mid-20's.

Race: Human. Mostly.

Ethnicity: N/A

Role: The Doctor

Weapons: Melee only, usually hand to hand. Can only adequately hold and fire very large projectile weapons because of her oddly-shaped fingers, and doesn't currently own one.

Abilities: Stubs is an expert with the Med Kit and her Doctor's Bag and can perform very basic field-expedient surgery. She needs both hands to apply a stimpak but doesn't need a scalpel at all. Her skin is denser than ordinary human tissue and can reject dull blades, organic claws, or distant small-caliber bullets, but not high-speed large-caliber items fired up close or very sharp blades. Very resistant to radiation, and indeed tends to register above normal background herself (about 8 CPM, noticeable but not dangerous to others). She is unusually, even freakishly strong. She has a keen and accurate sense of smell.

Weaknesses: While Stubs can walk at a good pace for a long way, she cannot run quickly and tires fast when running or climbing. She gives an impression of nervous twitchiness that others tend to find off-putting; she is nobody's definition of socially skilled. She can't jump at all, can't swim (she sinks like a rock), and is nearsighted and afraid of bright lights. She is very sensitive to alcohol, chems and environmental poisons that are not purely radioactive.

Personal Belongings: Doctor's Bag with the Med Kit in it, on straps so she can wear it on her back; plastic water bottle; clothes (see description); small, heavily thumbed copy of what seems to be a old treatise on specialized entomology and genetic engineering.

Personality: Stubs is curious, nervous, and afraid of many things. She has the feeling she should have a large family, but she doesn't know how or where. She has a need for physical touch for reassurance and identification, but has found strangers tend to respond very badly to this. She is desperate for any kind of companionship and will be quite loyal to anyone who doesn't immediately try to hurt her. She understands reproduction intellectually but has no more urges in that direction than the average worker insect.


-REMEMBERED: Well, there was Dr. Lesko. He had glasses and a big white coat. He poked her with sharp things sometimes, collecting bits of her in jars and vials, and (worst of all) sometimes he shined a bright light in her eyes, but he never shouted. She liked that about him. He taught her to read and write, and she taught herself a lot of other things, but for some reason he seemed not to like that. Sometimes she would talk to the six-legged ones for him, especially the Mother, but they didn't have much to say. She doesn't like to think about the day she sneaked out, especially since she took a couple of his things with her. Since then she's been wandering around, looking for someone to talk to and reading whatever books she could find (she likes the six-legged ones, but they won't let her come home with them because she smells wrong).

-ACTUAL: A scientist in a particular town whose population was mysteriously wiped out by fire ants found his experiments going somewhat differently than he planned! After a little persuasion from an outside party, he decided to turn his attention to experiments in human/insect communication. He found himself quite unable to talk to the giant ants, who could not form human speech and whose chemical language he could not imitate, so he spent several years attempting to engineer an interpreter for himself. With his homemade vat technology, he was able to accelerate her growth, although his own shortcomings in the area of childrearing are very evident in the result. His notes label the result an Murianthropoid, but that was a bit long, so he usually called her Stubs. Unfortunately, communicating with the ants didn't bring him the results he wanted (they just demanded more food and refused to listen to his instructions, even when he talked to the Queen), and the hybrid started asking awkward questions. He was trying to think of a way to terminate her without getting himself killed by the ants when she ran away.

Appearance: She's about medium height, slender, and androgynous. Her skin is a sort of muddy gray-brown, like a Hispanic person if he or she were very ill, and quite rough and hard to the touch. Her hair is black, short and ragged; it looks like it was cut with something very sharp by someone who wasn't looking at what they were doing. She has two short antennae just above her hairline which can be folded forward or back at will, but which tend to move depending on her emotional state. Her head is noticeably tear-drop shaped, with a small, pointed chin. Her eyes are large and dark, and the irises have a peculiar faceted look to them.

Usually the hair and antennae are hidden under a large, white hat, no doubt part of some long-ago sunbather's beach ensemble; this is uncomfortable, so she tends to fidget with it a lot. She wears wraparound sunglasses that are too large, a lab coat ditto, and a plain prewar tank top, jeans and boots she found out in the Wasteland (on somebody who is not likely to need them again). The backpack and water bottle complete the impression of a hitchhiking mad scientist. Stubs is always adjusting her hat or clothes or tugging on one ear (yes, she has them; the antennae are for smell and vibration) or nibbling her fingers, of which she has two plus one thumb on each hand. Her fingernails appear blunt but are in fact quite sharp along the edges. She can extend a sharp spur from each wrist, but only does that when serious cutting is necessary. She is surprisingly dexterous given her odd digits and usually manages to work around them.

Other: Stubs is not at all claustrophobic; in fact, it's big spaces that tend to make her uncomfortable.

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