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Trouble with Scripts [alternative crafting]


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Hi, its been awhile since i coded anything and i dove headfirst into FO3 Scripting :blink:


so anyways, I'm having trouble with a nasty piece of code i thought i understood, i was wrong :wallbash:


It was meant to be simple, if you have the manual you can use the machine


you put in your materials into one box, activate and take the final product from the other box; easy right?


Scriptname zerg9maker

ref Zerinput
ref zeroutput
ref Zerg9makerman

Begin OnActivate player

set Zerinput to rZerG9Input
set zeroutput to rZerG9Output
set Zergmakerman to rzerg9makerman

If player.getitemcount ZerG9MakerMan >= 1 

;items needed x2 fision, x5 pulse, x2 wonderglue, x5 sensors
	if zerinput.getitemcount WeapGrenadePulse >= 5 &&zerinput.getitemcount FissionBattery >= 2 && WonderGlue >= 2 && zerinput.getitemcount SensorModule >= 5
	zerinput.removeitem weapgrenadepulse 5
	zerinput.removeitem fissionbattery 2
	zerinput.removeitem wonderglue 2
	zerinput.removeitem sensormodule 5
	playsound DRSVaultVerticalBroken	
	zeroutput.additem ZerWeapNukeNade 5

else ShowMessage ZerLackInstructions





so any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

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